🤢What happens when we make people feel bad enough?🤢

We get drug problems!

We get people so angry they no longer care about right or wrong!

We get hostile people!

We get people who will find drugs to escape the painful lives that they are left with!

Blaming drugs is just sloppy thinking!

Our job is to stop causing misery!

Feeling good is natural, but few of us feel that way!

Few of us even know what we feel anymore!

We have banned that!

Is that enough to make us all feel bad?

Of course, it is!

Every life has an identity!

Children get forced to leave theirs behind!

All life has instincts! That provides purpose and guidance!

We don’t allow our children to stay connected with their instincts! They must follow our chosen path!

The natural language of all life is feelings! Try being a child and fully express everything that you feel in a classroom. That thought brings the word humiliation to mind!

We are all born feeling naturally powerful. We call it self-esteem. All life is designed to find its own way.

When not allowed to find our own way, feeling powerful is impossible!

All life has needs! That’s the motivation to do things!

Our children are not allowed to act on their own needs! They can’t even feel what those are!

In this environment that we have created, it has become almost impossible to feel good!

We can pretend that we have made a safe and loving place for our young to grow up in, but what we have really done is remove all the tools that allow our children to feel good and satisfy their own personal needs!

Our needs are all about acceptance and support. Following our own needs makes us loving responsible people.

Good people are always living from their own inner lives.

That acceptance and support are supposed to be for our own strength and development.

Our children get support only for doing as we wish though!

There is no acceptance of their identities, their connection with their own needs, the rewards of following their own instincts, and no joy of success through their own efforts.

There is only the misery of always doing as they are directed!

That makes them the opposite of good people!

Without the guidance of their identities using their needs, instincts, inner strength, and feelings, they are working in the dark. There is no motivation to be kind!

There is no joy! There is only thought!

Everything most important for their happiness has been denied to them. How would we expect them to behave?

We have created the need for drugs.

Having done that, we are trying to repair the consequences of our own actions with punishment!

We are trying to repair feelings of misery with punishment!

Where, do you suppose, that might take us?

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.