🤷‍♂️Why is life so hard? Why is everything a fight?🤷‍♂️

People unintentionally cause the fighting!

We each get born into a troubled social world.

We hurt too much, then we change, and because we do, we lose respect for life.

We then see life through expectations. It hurts everybody.

Nature provides monumental survival, and learning energy. She gives that to all life. The explosion of life for all of us, comes from inside.

When life comes from inside, as it should, the world is a magical place, full of wonder and mystery.

But we don’t get to continue living from inside.

Our immediate social environment tells us to ignore the feelings and needs coming from our identity, shut up, and do what we are told.

Those ordering us the most, are always the most damaged of humanity. They don’t know they cause damage.

To be happy and feel good, is only for the luckiest of us, those born into families that allow at least some of our growth to happen through our own energy.

We get to listen to our own hearts for only the first few years, for the most of us. Then we disconnect.

That’s because today’s world hurts too much when we are little.

Besides the ubiquitous conflict all around us, which is almost irrelevant, it hurts because we usually aren’t allowed to develop through our own efforts.

Other people are expecting, even demanding obedience from us. We cannot be obedient while our identity is struggling to guide us into surviving. That’s not just background noise. It’s our primary function, driving us into survival with an explosion of energy. It needs support, and that’s what nature does.

No life can be obedient with all of that going on inside them. The hurt is more than life can tolerate.

All life is naturally created to survive through it’s own efforts. The power is supposed to always come from within.

As infants, we try, and we try to do that. Our identity powers us with an astonishing force. It is meant to naturally blast us through life, learning what we need, as we go. It’s our power. It’s who we are.

As an infant, we discover we are supposed to ignore our inner drive, and become obedient instead.

To be obedient, it is necessary to defy that driving power.

It hurts us to defy that force. Our identity encourages our behavior through feelings. It’s our feelings that hurt. It’s more than we can live with.

It also hurts us to follow our own self power. To do that, we usually have to defy those demanding obedience. That’s relentless as well. We can’t change that. We don’t have any power.

What a thing to have happen to an infant!

Peoples real nature is a craving need to be loved. That comes as our first need, outside of survival.

Therefore obedience wins, most of the time.

This early struggle sets most lives. Life will never be the same as it naturally would have been.

To be obedient, it is necessary to escape the hurt coming from our feelings. Our identity is still trying to power our progress through life, and drive us to learn what we need. If we ignore that force of nature, it keeps trying until something breaks.

With every child, something does break to some extent. There is a range of damage from minor to life threatening.

The only hurt we can control is the hurt coming from our feelings inside ourselves.

Faced with two opposing hurts, we usually disconnect from our feelings, because it’s the only option that we can manage on our own.

So, that’s what we do.

We will never again feel complete. We will never again live full out loud. We will have insecurities after this, and we will have secrets.

Worse, we have lost our “locked in” connection with truth.

Acceptance of truth will now become a lifetime issue. We already discarded truth in favor of comfort. True, we had no choice. We now only accept comfortable truth.

Everybody has issues to some extent. People in therapy graduate to childhood experiences. Experiences and feelings will be brought to light.

Acceptance will always be blocking recovery.

Acceptance of real truth, things we are ashamed of, and the hurt that still waits within us.

We were wrong to ever be ashamed. we find that out when we expose the whole story.

We were always fine, but didn’t know it. We started out as the best that nature could produce, and that’s who we really are, if we can ever get back to owning, and living it!

Our disconnection from truth left us wide open to believing any suggestion that anybody else felt like giving us.

Over the years, mankind has taken an ever growing role in managing other life.

Nobody that I know of, is examining possible side effects.

It may be possible to manage other life, but if we do, we also have to allow the natural drive coming from that life itself.

I expect many people understand this, but have a blind spot when it comes to children.

Control of other life probably can’t be done. It surely has to be voluntary cooperation if we are to do no damage. The spark probably has to come from inside. That’s what life is.

That is certainly what has to happen if mankind is to survive. Every life comes from inside. Mankind has to stop ordering, and begin accepting.

It’s never been necessary to manage our children in the first place. That doesn’t even work for those giving the orders. Everything magical in life is quickly gone.

When respected for who they really are, a unique inwardly driven life, children will do anything for us. That’s their most important early goal.

Mankind has simply become too impatient to see that the infants are already doing everything they possibly can, short of giving up their own identity. They won’t stop trying to please, till we start giving orders.

This conflict, created in their early life is the root of their inner conflict, and all together, it’s the one and only source of world wide conflict.

It’s that simple. It really is. Mankind sets up the conflict that is threatening our planet. Respect the inner life of children from the beginning, and the conflict just never happens.

This sort of damage only happens to people. All other life in our world lives free.

We can change that. Living as people are meant to, is actually a lot easier, for everybody.

Most would assume that living free only requires the strength to stand up for our rights.

That’s not enough. To do only that puts us into an endless struggle, and some of that struggle is internal.

We have to recognize and allow the power of all life to come from within itself. We have to accept that other life is not ours!

As soon as we see the world that way, the conflict ends.

Truth regains importance. While we concealed our feelings and identities from ourselves, our consciousness, we were forced to believe many untrue things that we knew were wrong. We had to believe them anyway, or face more hurt.

That’s why people believe things they know perfectly well aren’t true. And that’s why they are so stubborn about it. They simply can’t afford to accept some things, or they are into hurting again.

Mankind has been unknowingly creating and feeding false truth, and conflict.

The second we stop our control, conflict begins going away.

It requires understanding and strength to change our own ways. We need to refuse to take over the lives of other living things!

That’s the truth that works.

That behavior takes us, and the whole world together, into a different path. Nature’s path.

Mankind is alone in taking over the lives of other living beings.

The price we pay is staggering. Believing this is ok, is the cause of all of the conflict we live with now. As we get more control happy, it will continue to get worse, until we destroy ourselves.

It’s cause and effect. Block the power of any life, and the struggle starts. Make it worse, and war happens. Hopefully, we can catch on before annihilation happens.

Is it a coincidence that mankind is the only life that takes over the lives of others, and is also the only life that doesn’t get to live free?

Of course not! One causes the other. They go together. Perhaps it’s karma.

For those who are thinking we live free, how much of yourself do you express, right out in the open, nothing held back? No secrets at all? Why would we need secrets?

All other life lives right out loud. Wide open. Never a need to be ashamed of absolutely anything. That’s nature’s normal condition. Mankind thinks we are the chosen ones. Well, we are the ones chosen to conceal most of who we are, and go on living false lives!

As creatures of earth, we are part of nature.

Our life is a gift to us.

The lives of other creatures are not ours to manage. They belong to them.

This is where conflict begins. It shouldn’t exist within humans.

This is going to determine our own assessment of our own value. When we feel no purpose in life, that’s where it comes from. Respect this need in all other life, and our feelings of having purpose come right back. Truth returns. Purpose returns.

Do you wish to live isolated, struggling, angry, confused, and feeling redundant, or connected, loving, and playful.

Do you wish to feel completely good about every part of who you are, and live completely out loud? Our hearts will tell us what’s ok, and what’s not, if we can reconnect.

How do we open up and feel our hearts? First we respect all other life as it’s own. If we don’t do that first, then we don’t believe in ourselves. When we can respect other life, we can respect our own. Now, at least we can begin the process of healing.

To enjoy living out loud, we have to be behaving in a way we can be proud of. That means listening to our hearts.

There is enough voluntary cooperation in the world to satisfy everyone’s needs.

We may take other lives as part of the food chain, and we may make trade offs, but we should not take control of other lives.

When we do, we have not only crippled them, we have crippled ourselves, destroying the trust and enjoyment of every relationship in the process.

Somewhere, somehow it feels wrong. Living out loud becomes a problem.

When mankind understands the natural limits that work for all life, the fighting just goes away.

We can end virtually all conflict, any time we’re ready.

It can stop quickly, almost overnight.

Is that an exaggeration? Am I mistaken? Absolutely not.

Once clearly laid out, it’s obvious.

Small changes in our aggressiveness, bring quick results.

If we have denied some creature it’s own life. Of course there are going to be consequences.

We may as well have put a powder keg in our own home life, and throughout the planet as well!

Did we really think we could do something as monumentally wrong as that, and get away with it?

That simple act is capable of causing war right across the world, and it has!

It could cause anger, hostility, and conflict within every family across the planet, and it has!

Some cultures can never find peace. This is why. When they control their children, the entire population grows up trying to control each other. It feels normal for them.

There is only one way out, and it has to come at the beginning of each new life.

When we back off, and allow other life to come from inside, as it should, trust takes the place of anger almost immediately.

This epiphany doesn’t require proof. It’s like gravity. It just works.

If we support our children’s own efforts, instead of taking over, they will be —-

Infinitely happier.


Absolutely cooperative.

Massively healthier.

Loving and trusting.




Far more motivated.



Connected to all of nature.

Smarter about themselves.

Fully connected to their own feelings.


In touch with their own identity.

Fully connected with what they want, who they are, and what they need.

Not secretly angry.

Making better music.

And why not? Every reason for conflict is gone.

This is nature’s way. Nature supports all life into succeeding through it’s own efforts. Hopefully, that’s what we are going to do now, as well.

What about us? Would we rather be loved, or hated?

People are not as we assume.

When left undamaged, people are all about love and care. We are not designed to live in conflict. We get sick!

People are naturally respectful.

Our hearts and our identity keep us naturally honest. With full feelings, we never make a wrong step with life, anybody’s life.

A damaged person will make mistakes. They can be unfairly forceful, as well. If we believe in them, we will also make mistakes.

A healthy person following their heart will never make a mistake with life, and there will never be conflict.

Our wildest imagination is hopelessly inadequate to picture the difference in life that happens, when we stop taking over other lives.

There is a reason we can’t see these obvious cause and effect consequences, happening all around us. Our own early trauma has made us “hurt blind”.

Our own upbringing sets us up to live in continuous conflict with our own offspring. We need to step back, listen to our own hearts, and allow them their own life. There will be no conflict if we can do that.

Our really young know truth. They still live it. When we were little, we all saw various adults stuck in strange behaviors. We saw that and we made fun of them and we wondered. This is why those adults were stuck.

Attempts to manage the lives of others is the first step down a road to infighting and eventual annihilation. Cultures throughout history have repeatedly made the same mistake. It’s always led by damaged people. Those still following their hearts, never fall into that trap, and there always seems to be some of those remaining, after each collapse.

The need to avoid any truth that might hurt, along with our “hurt blindness” has caused this situation to gradually worsen, rather that slowly heal itself.

Where do you think our civilization is headed? Better, or worse?

The road to getting ourselves back to the way we started out is looked at in some of the other posts.

It’s a combination of accepting all truth, and owning those qualities we have been concealing. The irony is those qualities were always things to be proud of, not ashamed.

There will be hurt. It is already there. It’s time to own it. It’s time to own all of our qualities. Only then do we discover, to our amazement, that there was never anything to be ashamed of. We were magnificent as we were.

Everything about us was always to be proud of. We never knew that, and couldn’t hear it, not until we are ready to accept the hurt that is already within us.

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com. There are many posts, all discussing the same issue from various viewpoints.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your day!

Norm Cormier.

2 responses to “🤷‍♂️Why is life so hard? Why is everything a fight?🤷‍♂️”

  1. Wonderful

    1. Thanks. I continuously try to make this simpler and clearer. I think this is the best so far. I bet it becomes the most popular. Thanks to everybody for letting me be part of your day! Norm.

I welcome considering other thoughts.