🧨Help , The Sky Really Is Falling!!!🧨

Nature can seem cruel!

Life, is on it’s own.

Survival is optional, one mistake, and it’s all over!

We really don’t know if this is a good thing or not. We can’t see over to the other side.

Because nature treats life so casually, it does seem probable that life, is one of many different conditions of, well, life! Nowhere, do we see anything in nature just completely disappear. Everything probably doesn’t, in death either.

Mankind has tried to be kinder than nature. We have prevented the early death of many infants. We have guided our young into safe behavior.

How have we done? Are they better off?

We have created war, and genocide! We have caused every person to hide who they are, and live phony lives. Mankind, as far as we know, is the only living thing that doesn’t live completely “out loud”.

We have brought our race to the brink of annihilation.

Apparently, we shouldn’t ignore nature’s methods.

A quick look explains why.

All life is powered from within. All goals come from there. Survival, and the determination to continue existing, all come from within. The skills we develop to ensure our survival, come from inside.

Everything about us, all the peripherals, the strategy, the imagination, the direction, the timing, and everything that we are, are all organized around the energy coming from our identity, and through our feelings.

That’s what life is. That’s what people are.

How important is that package?

Can we be all this, and also be obedient?

Mankind insists on obedience. It’s part of the safety package, and perhaps, for the comfort of us adults as well.

For a child, or an infant, the directions to survive and flourish are written in stone, within the life itself. The patterns have been developed through countless years of trial and error. The instincts, the energy, and the basic tools are all part of our identity.

How hard could it be to ignore all of that, and follow directions, instead?

Agony, pure agony, with lots of fear, and the certainty that something is very, very wrong. It’s that hard.

At this point in life, we are plugged into the universe in a way we never will be again.

We can feel it when our own identity is threatened. We can feel everything. When we hurt this much, our ability to feel has become a problem for us.

Disconnecting from our own feelings becomes a viable option, simply to survive the trauma!

To follow the chosen path of our own identity, we have to honor the instincts of this life, we have arrived in, and are part of. Then, to our horror, we aren’t allowed to!

To remain true to themselves, a child must now defy authority, ignore the punishment, do what their own instincts are telling them, and accept the judgements that raid down upon them, producing further feelings of shame (for wanting the incorrect thing), guilt, (for failing their loved ones), and fear, (from doing all of this while unsupported, and against everybody else’s wishes.

Obviously, being true to ourselves becomes impossible in this, present world.

We give up after many tears, and accept being obedient. Now we are regarded as a good child.

Mankind has thrown the baby out with the bathwater!

That package of skills, wishes and goals, was who we were! There is no longer a strong and capable inner identity that a child can connect with anymore, once they have accepted becoming obedient.

Our adults have all become fish out of water. We used to be warriors, each and every one of us.

As already observed, mankind is the only life who doesn’t live “out loud”! We all hide our feelings. Everybody has issues!

Hate, hostility, and a lack of trust have overwhelmed the planet.

As a race, the survival of man is probably at DEFCON 1, or DEFCON 2.

We did all that in an effort to protect our young!

Nature’s way is still available. It’s about respect. It’s about supporting the awesome creature, who is already here. Nature’s way works. All life lives out loud. All life powers it’s own survival, and interests.

If we are going to interfere with that instinctive and natural system, we really need to know what is important, first.

There is some good news. We have all seen how loving and generous people can be. Where does this happen? In loving families, that’s where. What’s special, every single time? Respect.

In these situations, the life of the child is handed over, with encouragement, to it’s rightful owner, the child itself!

Infants and children, allowed to grow up under their own terms, cannot be called awesome. They are far lovelier than just that. They can feel. They know when someone hurts. They have no interest in anything but shared accomplishment. Giving and gentle, they are a comfort, and a relief.

That’s what every person really is, but only when we support their real nature and identity.

If we can turn this around, all the other problems become memories. Any person who has not been really hurt bad, is kind and non-destructive. We have all seen it in loving families.

A person has to have hurt pretty bad before they could consider cutting down a rain forest. A person who has never been hurt, probably couldn’t do it.

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many posts.

Thank you for your interest and for allowing me into your life.

Good luck on your journey.

Norm Cormier.

This post is still being created, so watch for changes.

I welcome considering other thoughts.