🩹What do we get, as we relearn how to nurture our children, in the natural way?🩹

Natural ways satisfy their real needs, instead of ours!

We get infants who don’t scream!

Children who don’t squabble!

Children without psychosomatic illness!

Children who openly love us, having absolutely no fear of what we might ask of them!

Cooperative children that just want to help! Don’t believe me? I really don’t blame you. It really happens though. It feels perfectly natural, which of course, it is!

Children, who master life at a ridiculously faster pace than we are used to.

Interested children! Interested in absolutely everything!

Superb health, a far more relaxed range of normal functions.

Expressive compassionate people, all fully connected with their instincts, feelings, and all-around awareness of their inner, and outer environments!

Friends, an entire population that is trusting and not defensive!

Straight talk. A complete absence of secrets!

A complete lack of hostility! The absence of war!

Agreement! Without defensive life, trusting people are right away, all on the same page. Without fear and secrets, life becomes much simpler!

Passion. Going all out is normal and fun!

Feelings! People living from their feelings is the way all life normally lives. It’s real life! It has meaning! It has passion! It’s fun! It’s how we lived in our infancy. Love, trust, and genuine caring about what’s happening with others, is really important to us!

Fun happens. Most of us have forgotten that people are still mostly all about play!

This essay isn’t science fiction. These different stages of living suggested are observable all around us, within families and in other countries.

Many areas of our world have reached those critical levels of dissatisfaction that happen with the disconnection of feelings, that result from a lack of nurture.

This “cause and effect” relationship may be difficult to accept at first exposure, however, the cure works consistently and predictably. Improve nurture, and problems just go away, becoming replaced with improved trust. It just always works, and miraculously so!

Tired of always fighting? Have a rest! Let others fully enjoy their own identity without pressure, and relax in peace and trust. It may not be instant, but it always works just like that!

Surprisingly and unexpectedly, by backing off and allowing others to be who they are, we always get far more cooperation from them, than we ever did by demanding things. You probably have to see this one to believe it!

This post is still in the process of being created. More will come!

This post is part of clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.