🎲Will love win?🎲

The way we treat our infants sets the world’s path!

We are supposed to allow children to stay strong and self-driven.

We all start strong!

If allowed to remain that way, we are kind and gentle!

That’s healthy, and natural. It’s our default condition!

All life has inner power.

It needs to stay that way to function properly.

People are the most loving, compassionate, and playful creatures on the planet, but only if they get to keep the power they were born with.

Throughout nature, all creatures support the efforts of their young to learn and become competent.

If we do that as well, there is never conflict.

The raising of children is a partnership.

Our job is to do our best to keep them alive.

Their job is to learn and grow through their own resources.

They are responsible for their own development. They do it too. It doesn’t take them long to learn to walk and talk.

If we follow this natural pattern, which we call nurturing, we create a warm, trusting, and loving community.

We get Utopia!

When we take over though, we create trauma with our children’s identity.

It’s trying to do the same job.

The resulting conflict causes intense hurt.

The pain is just too much to live with.

Various degrees of disconnection are the result.

If it happens to a single person, the result is a troubled and perhaps dangerous individual.

When it happens to all the children though, civilization changes.

The end result is hurt, fear, conflict, and eventually hate and war!

World health is all about allowing the young to remain strong and complete until they are big enough to continue on their own. These are loving and cooperative children by the way.

The one astonishing difference in life that happens then, is trust.

Living without trust is living alone, no matter how many others are around!

Living with trust is a supreme comfort.

It’s what’s missing in our lives right now. This is what has changed!

Only the children can tell us about trust. Every child is born living it!

Just imagine the pain of having trust ripped away!

Can we listen?

The outcome, is a loving community!

This dynamic has never been any different, and can be tested on any scale! The results are always consistent!

Looking around at other families or societies confirms this universal truth!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.