Category: The return of passion
🎭Life lives its unique identity, or loses connection with it!🎭
We seem to have an epidemic of people choosing alternate ways to identify! I expect it’s no surprise that we all struggle to make peace with our identities these days! It almost seems like we are unsure about who we really are, does it not? What could be the reason for that? IDENTITIES Nature encourages…
🎭How can we get the most out of life!🎭
For people, the quality of life can vary from pure natural joy to an intolerable gray existence. Once we lose the pristine quality of our lives, we also lose the awareness of what life is really supposed to feel like! There are two problems with this “vanishing awareness”! First, we stop trying to get our…
❌Nobody feels safe now! Our lives have gone all wrong!❌
We don’t nurture our young any more. We take over! The consequence is billions of people who hurt, and feel frightened. We live our lives hiding our wishes, and fighting with each other! Nobody feels safe! People have been made to feel helpless! Helpless people can be vicious and cruel. That’s the world we have…
🏁Respect identity, and all life gets better!🏁
Our quality of life took a “nose dive” with the loss of our inner power.