Category: To Feel Loved!
💕In real life, everyone is our friend, and there is never a need for secrets!💕
This is not a dream of utopia! It’s our default condition! There is only one thing preventing natural loving life, such as this! With the best of intentions, we take over our children’s lives! After that, they can no longer survive using their own resources! All life needs its own power! Controlling our young is…
🤍People are better than this!🤍
We have needs! We don’t need all that much! Just support to survive as ourselves! Humans are kind and gentle when our needs are satisfied! Unfortunately, the vast majority of us have to do without one critical need! This is the one big thing that’s wrong in this world! It’s the main, and probably the…
🎀Self-esteem is power of survival, we need to support it right from infancy!🎀
This is the path to non-destructive, trusting people! We all want world peace! That’s actually not difficult! We dream of an environment where we can trust others, we feel safe, and we feel accepted! We can have that! Ironically, it’s our default condition! All life gets its own power. All life get supported in using…
🔥How to get more self-esteem and confidence!🔥
We are all born powerful. It can be seen in every infant. Most of us have lost our inner power! That’s our struggle. Every life gets it’s own energy. It’s for survival! It’s what we need to function! All creatures get encouragement to develop their own abilities through their own efforts and inner strength. Humans…
🎵💝The best possible lives for people!💝🎵
This picture? It shows how we should be feeling! We did once! The inner power shows through! Can you see it? That strength is not supposed to go away! We are all supposed to get the support we need to stay that way. All other life on our planet always does! We should all be…
🏁Self-esteem is critical! Children should never, ever feel helpless!🏁
Children need their own inner power, just like all other life. With full self-esteem they will be successful, limited only by what is possible for them. They will be successful in tune with their own needs and wishes, not successful by our standards! This is the best thing that could possibly happen for them! Surprisingly,…
💕Love and community are still possible, but a few things need to go!💕
Humans are a loving, compassionate, sharing, fun, and trusting race! Doesn’t sound like anybody we know does it? It’s true though, we are a loving race. As a group, we have accepted some assumptions about life that came from the past. Some of these are making the natural trust between people impossible. Unexpectedly, they cause…
😠People only do bad things because they’ve been hurt!
If we never caused hurt in the first place, we wouldn’t ever have to endure bad behavior! Nature provides support for survival, just the way it should be done, with assistance instead of hurt! People though, provide despair instead. We read the situation wrong, and we unintentionally cause hurt. There is no need to cause…
🥺Agreement is our default condition. It’s about acceptance of reality!🥺
Our widely divergent views are symptoms of trauma! Most, if not all of us, haven’t been lucky enough to live in undistorted reality! We are all quite correct in our different beliefs though! From our own experience, we all make perfect sense! We simply live in different realities. That doesn’t seem right, does it? Well,…