🙄Control of others crushes love, cooperation, and health!🙄

Nature has a natural balance.

The power of every life comes from within!

Throughout nature, all life is supported and encouraged to live through their own resources!

Unfortunately, people try to do it differently!

We want to believe we can improve people by guiding them!

What do we teach? We teach how to think and behave!

Does it work?

No, it causes the damage we all suffer from!

All life is designed to come from inside! Try to drive it from outside, and something has to break!

Our identities happily begin life! They have the tools to provide health, and our best shot at living full out, surviving in perfect condition.

What tools?

Self-esteem, to start with! Inner power! The inner strength to joyfully challenge the world!

Anything else? Instincts! The entire wisdom of human life, from the very beginning! We can feel it!

We can also feel our own needs! That allows us to accomplish everything we most care about. Otherwise we would be working in the dark, not knowing what is going to help us, and what is a waste of time!

Our primary need, as a human, is love and acceptance! We crave that with every cell in our bodies! Therefore we are naturally cooperative, environmentally conscious, loving, and empathetic!

Are there any other advantages that our identities provide? How about awareness of our physical condition, as well as the world around us! Basically, a finely tuned radar, sensing our place in the world!

That’s a pretty good package to live with.

Does guiding us in our early years help us?

It actually conflicts with our natural imperative to find our own way!

All life is designed to be self-driven, and cannot remain healthy otherwise!

This is where all the power and fun is! This is also where all the love, empathy, love, and compassion is! Without this, we have no conscience!

Interfere with the natural flow of our identities, while they are trying to guide us in the normal way of all life, and the results are really bad people! That’s where these people come from!

When our identities get overwhelmed by the demands of others, while attempting to power and guide our way, it hurts us!

It’s life or death hurt! This is life or death to our identities! We hurt so much we have to disconnect from our own feelings, just to mitigate our pain!

When we disconnect, it causes us to lose our feelings, instincts, awareness, inner power, and our ability to feel our own needs!

It leaves us adrift, without knowing what we want, who we are, or ever feeling joy again!

Throughout history, our habit of taking over the lives of others has consistently brought us the hostility and chaos that we invented and live with!

No matter how much evidence presents itself right in front of us, we just don’t seem to see it, or catch on to the source of mankind’s trauma!

We think humanity has an evil side instead. Well, mankind doesn’t! We are the most compassionate and loving creatures on the planet.

Any undamaged person can see this clearly. The damaged cannot though. The wisdom of their instincts is no longer available in their condition!

In humanities past, groups of people have resented the hurt and destruction caused by being controlled!

They set out to build new worlds, based on equality and freedom! It was called democracy.

They set out to create better living through not being controlled!

As we can see, even this is gradually turning out just as bad! Hostility and conflict have once again risen to destroy any spark of happiness.


Why didn’t that work?

The answer!

They didn’t see the whole picture!

Freedom does not start where we think!

It starts at conception!

We are all so proud of having democracy! We made a system of polling people to get a consensus. We have abolished slaves.

We believe we have created freedom!

We haven’t! We have completely missed the point!

Real Freedom!

Life comes from within!

But, right now, we don’t allow that!

Even within democracy, we still don’t!

We seem to have been under the illusion that we could fix things by giving everybody a vote.

Our control over others is worse than ever! It causes defiance! We have invented defiance!

Yes, it’s true that as things turned out, we did need control!

It wasn’t a need though, until we took away the freedom of our infants to live from the power of their own inner life!

Meanwhile, we watch everything get worse with our every effort! We try to fix it by making more laws, which, of course, causes more defiance!

A path that actually works!

The moment we support and encourage our young in their own efforts, instead of ordering them around, everything begins returning to normal!

The very day we begin allowing our young to survive and progress through their own efforts and resources, our world turns its way back to cooperation and love!

Now that’s freedom!

But, it begins at conception!


Life comes from inside! We all have a natural right to live from our own identity!

If we are granted that natural right, a whole lot of things change!

What is it that changes?

We get to remain strong and joyful!

We get to keep connection with our instincts and our needs, therefore remaining morally and environmentally responsible!

Why? Because we no longer have to disconnect from our feelings because of the excessive hurt!

What are our real needs? Full acceptance and expression of our real identities, along with being loved.

Our need to be loved, all by itself, guarantees our good behavior!

When we can’t feel our needs, we don’t know how much we need to be loved!

Consequently, we behave terribly!

What other changes?

We feel strong!

We feel good!


All life gets free inner power. We can see that in all other life and in infants. Most of us can remember feeling powerful in our very early years!

That was our self-esteem! We are supposed to have it for life! When controlled in infancy though, we lose that because of the hurt!

Anything else?

Conflict disappears completely! First of all, when we feel that strong, other people see that. They no longer challenge us lightly. We get respect because we obviously deserve it!

Second, when we feel great, we have lost our motivation to make ourselves appear important! We have no need to pump ourselves up at the cost of everybody else!

In a fully connected and healthy condition, we no longer have any interest in controlling other people.

When we stop trying to control others, how could there possible be conflict?

The only remaining conflict comes from those still disconnected from their feelings!

Could any of this be true?

Truth proves itself!

Try it!

Allow others to gradually return to living from within! Watch the difference!

With adults, there is acting out as they return to health along a very bumpy path.

With infants and young children there is immediate joy and cooperation. They actually begin looking for ways to help!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need the internet address to find your way back.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.