👮🏽‍♂️Drug problems can be fixed with one simple move!👮🏽‍♂️

It’s not hard to eliminate people’s need for drugs.

We can do that! After all, we created that need!

How did we create it?

All life comes from inside! We don’t let it!

That makes us hurt! Drugs ease hurt!

Well, we’re not supposed to hurt!

Not all the time, like we do!

How did we make everybody hurt?

Throughout nature, all life is powered from within!

This is how life is designed to work!

But, the authoritative side of mankind has banned our inner lives!

Would that be enough to make us hurt?

You can bet it is, and it does!

In our infancy, we did live from our own identity.

Consequently, we once enjoyed our feelings, awareness of our needs, and the help of our instincts!

We should all still be living from our identities!

It hurts when we don’t!

When we hurt, we look for comfort. If not drugs, we use ideas.

Either way, the world suffers!

What are we doing wrong?

Life has the inner power to survive and enjoy the thrill of it!

Every life needs that power!

People call it self-esteem!

But, we don’t let people keep it!

We remove everybody’s self-esteem in infancy!

That makes life dreary and sad.

With all the joy sucked out of life, what do we do?

We plug half-heartedly along, we get selfish, and we breed faster than rabbits. It’s the only joy left!

How can we keep self-esteem in people?

Ironically, it’s a whole lot easier than what we do now!

We allow the power of life to come from within, as all of nature does!

That’s all we have to do!

Astonishingly, life instantly becomes many, many times easier!

Our kids are suddenly on our side! Go figure!

I suppose the truth is more like we have suddenly joined their side! This is all they ever wanted!

Don’t believe? Just try it!

What kind of people does this eventually produce?

Ironically once again, it makes wise people who are competent, cooperative, loving, and a bit playful!

Why would it make wise people? Don’t they need guidance?

Well, first, they have instincts. That, right there, is the accumulated wisdom of the entire existence of mankind!

Second, they can feel their own needs! The needs of people who still have self-esteem are all about trust!

Those people still in pristine condition crave trust and relationships above all else!

It’s only those who hurt, that choose power or money.

These never bring real satisfaction! Only responsibility and relationships can do that.

But they sure can cause havoc and destruction!

The powerful and the rich do not look happy, now do they?

Well, how about those in love? Now, there’s happiness!

Do we know what we need?

When our self-esteem is intact, the way we were created, we know what we really need!

We can feel it.

In this condition, we are good people. We are kind, cooperative, compassionate, non-destructive, loving, and playful.

We can even keep love, whereas for most, it has a time limit! Love and being loved is the biggest part of our lives!

What about the guidance?

Well, where does the guidance we are all getting now come from? Is it from learning, or perhaps mother nature?

As we are all so painfully aware, absolutely not. It now comes from wishful thinking.

It comes from the determination that some of our ideas are going to work, while right in our faces we can see that our our assumptions aren’t working!

So much for our present day guidance!

It lacks the wisdom of our inner lives! It will not make us happy, and it will take us into conflict! It cannot satisfy our needs because it doesn’t know what they are!

Everybody’s guidance is different, and that should tell us something as well!

On the other hand, instincts and our identities don’t make assumptions or mistakes.

They guide us from the wisdom of all time, and through our own needs and wishes! When trust is our goal, our wishes are always honorable!

The proof of all of this is all around us, and has always been right there in our faces for our whole lives!

Whichever child is allowed to grow up through their own inner power, is one of our greatest people!

Whichever child is controlled by others from the very start, is always endless trouble! We know that. We’ve all dealt with these people.

Those with lots of guidance turn out a lot of different ways. None of them have the wisdom of their inner life though. None are happy.

None of them have the strength to stand alone. That’s in their inner life that they can’t feel. Some are defiant, most are obedient, all are miserable, and for most part destructive in many ways! None are at peace!

Meanwhile, those allowed to grow from their own inner life and self-esteem are always quietly happy, supportive, and productive! They carry an aura of strength, and it’s definitely not safe to challenge that!

Those allowed to live from within still have the strength of wildness when they need it. They are not victims!

These people feel good.

We’re all supposed to feel good! We did at the start!

Those who feel good already feel better than drugs could make them.

They are high on life! They’re too busy doing things to bother with drugs!

We vastly underestimate the value of feeling good!

Imagine if we could feel as we did as an infant?

Most of us have probably forgotten, but rest assured that getting back our unlimited freedom, our all-out sense of purpose, and our astonishing inner strength are worth life itself!

Those on drugs

These people are quite often successful. That demonstrates how poor our vision of success is in these times!

Success is feeling amazingly powerful and free to explore life. Trust and love will come first because that’s who we all are if we are still healthy!

This, of course, is our inner lives talking! Our wisdom satisfies our needs!

Real people are awesome!

What can be dome for those who need drugs?

Obviously, they’re without their inner strength!

There is no way to make that! Real inner power has to come from within!

It’s still there for all of us!

I expect the first mystery that presents itself is why don’t we heal?

Wounds heal! why doesn’t this?

There is an answer! It explains a lot!

Way back when we lost connection to our inner lives, that damage hurt! It was a time of agony! This is a big wound!

We hurt so much, we found ways to ease the pressure!

One way was to disconnect from our feelings.

That helped, but left us helpless and ignorant. We couldn’t feel the world anymore. We didn’t know how we fit in, or what was going on!

We invented beliefs to ease the pain!

That’s why we don’t heal!

Healing is impossible while we hold beliefs that oppose reality!

Of course it’s impossible. We’re wearing a bandaid that prevents spontaneous healing!

Most of these beliefs cause us to feel important! Not important like our inner power once made us feel, but sort of important, as long as we never let our guard down and let reality in!

Seriously, how could we ever heal while hanging on to that?

Hanging on to that though is the source of evil in this world!

All the pain and destruction is coming from those holding on to beliefs that comfort them!

Mankind has invented evil through mismanagement. All this pain has been caused by not allowing our young to live through their own steam!

One seemingly innocent act, and we have destroyed the planet and traumatized it’s entire human population!

How do we regain our inner power?

It’s a leap of faith!

We have to jump out of the castle of safety we have created!

As frightening as that is, we have to let go of our protective beliefs and start over!

It’s only our beliefs that hold us where we are, in a sick condition!

It hurts! Of course it does! We are suddenly facing the pain that put us here!

We need to accept that hurt, open up, and move on!

Once we take that step though, we begin getting slowly stronger!

Yes we feel hurt all the time! We are getting better though!

We have only one thing to hold on to now!


Hope must take the place of drugs!

Unfortunately, it’s a long road!

It helps that with every step we gain confidence, even beginning to reveal our real selves without too much fear!

We eventually get to stand alone and present ourselves as we really are!

Astonishingly, to us, people like us better! Go figure!

We get to stand as ourselves, proud and free! We really do get to feel good!

Well this is our birthright! Feeling powerful like this is our natural right!

We should never have been forced to give it up! Our parenting, the way we do it now, is an atrocity that creates a dysfunctional world!

We need to support our children’s own efforts, not insert our wishes instead by force!

Reconnecting with our inner life is a difficult path to take!

On the other hand, if we have lost inner connection, this is the only path that makes any sense at all!

It’s the only way to discover our own needs! After that it’s all good again.

The tragedy is the loss of all those years, spent pursuing useless things, and feeling so afraid! Living without trust and real love as well!

Thanks for listening!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need the internet address to find your way back.

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

One response to “👮🏽‍♂️Drug problems can be fixed with one simple move!👮🏽‍♂️”

  1. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    This was a very long read

I welcome considering other thoughts.