😥Our recommended parenting makes children feel helpless!😥

This is why we can’t live out loud any more.

Our least honorable people no longer have any opposition!

We have made everybody feel helpless!

People who feel helpless become selfish, and they fight!

Strong people don’t feel a need to fight. It’s only the desperate that cause world-wide trauma.

Strong people remain connected with their instincts and real needs. That makes them compassionate and loving!

Helpless people, on the other hand can’t feel that strength any more.

Why? They have connection damage. They can no longer feel their needs or instincts. That can cause a world of damage, and it has!

The power of life comes from inside itself.

To avoid real, but hidden damage, strength has to come from within!

Support that, and everybody feels honorable.

This is people at their best! They are naturally kind, loving, and empathetic! That’s who people really are!

Unfortunately, we are not supporting, or even allowing the power of life to come from inside our children!

That’s basically the entire message! The story could stop here. There is no more information necessary.

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If we change our ways and allow the power of each individual to come from within, most if not all of our problems lose their source.

Exploring that thought!

Anybody who encourages the inner strength within their children will have the strongest, most successful children alive.

Success is happiness!

Success is not security! It’s feeling fully alive, and glorying in the pure thrill of it!

Strong kids don’t get picked on. Neither do they feel any need to pick on others! These things all come from feeling helpless!

Our instincts hold the wisdom to support our kids in owning their own power. All life supports their young in this way.

But, not many, if any of us can feel our instincts right now!

So we don’t support the inner strength of our kids.

Fixing that one thing removes every major problem the world has right now.

It fixes so many issues, it’s hard to know if there will be any left once we change our ways.

Full and unrestricted expression is everything to all life!

This is happiness!

Allowing the full expression of others also supports their inner power.

The amount of expression allowed us, sets the amount of inner power we will each feel throughout our lives!

As with all life, we were each born feeling fully powerful!

We were supposed to keep that power!

But, most people don’t feel powerful any more.

That’s wrong! Amazingly, it’s really all that’s wrong with our world!

Fix that one thing, and our world becomes nice again!

Making people feel helpless has caused all the worldwide trauma!

Explanation! This part is a bit detailed and slow, skip it if you like.

How did we make people feel weak and helpless? How did that cause so much trouble?

That happens through a cascading series of events.

When we’re not allowed to live from our own energy, we find ourselves in trauma!

All life is granted the power to survive. It’s the gift of life. It comes from inside though. All life is created that way

Within all infants, their identities, in response to their instinctive needs, are galvanized into whatever action seems most appropriate to reach out and grab the skills to survive and enjoy life.

They begin by learning to walk and talk! They are so amazingly competent, they blast through those tasks as though it were easy.

Left in this pristine condition, they would drive their own path of learning, right into successful lives for themselves.

They would always feel absolutely strong. The word self-esteem would be redundant.

It wouldn’t take long either. Motivation is absolute.

This drive to survive is not a choice! It’s an inner imperative. Ignoring that unrelenting pressure is not an option.

Just imagine the trauma infants suffer, as they get blocked in every direction when they try to pursue that goal through their own drive!

That’s what we do now! We block all their independent attempts at competence.

It’s as though we see them as dolls, not independent creatures, created to force their own way into life!

Two separate forces are attempting to control the same life!

Of course the identity of the infant loses this battle!

The caregivers win! There are many battles, and the caregivers win all the big ones.

The battleground is littered with resentment and countless hurt feelings. This is how mankind has invented conflict and hate.

None of this is ever supposed to happen.

Nowhere else in nature do caregivers try to take over. The energy is always encouraged to come from the new life.

Do you suppose it hurts an infant to be blocked in every effort, while at the same time it’s being driven to cope and survive by an inner force so powerful it’s life itself?

Of course it hurts!

It hurts so bad something must be done. The only escape is death, or disconnection from the feelings that hurt so much!

Most infants, or young children find a way to disconnect!

Then they grow up this way. This is us!

Remember your feelings? Do they seem a little hard to feel now? Can we feel our senses? Our instincts?

That’s a lot to lose!

Of course the consequence is a sense of feeling helpless!

Without connection to our identities and instincts, how could we possible still feel strong!

Feeling helpless, we can’t trust others. Even if we wanted to, we could not make ourselves trust others, not after being forced to abandon our own inner drive. Our own bodies won’t allow it.

Without inner drive, we lose connection to our instincts and identity. That just happens. We can’t feel our feelings or needs either.

In this condition, our behavior is no longer governed by instincts, feelings or needs.

We no longer have incentive to treat others well. We aren’t aware any more of how much we need them.

Our behavior then becomes selfish! We don’t know what happened, but we recognize that even our own behavior cannot be trusted any more.

If we can’t trust themselves, we are not about to trust others. We just don’t.

Therefore, we then begin setting up rules for everybody’s behavior.

Next, the rules put somebody in charge. Those most disconnected from their own feelings and instincts, are the first to leap into these systems. They mistakenly are first to recognize a need for control.

These, of course, are the worst people we should be trusting. They are the ones most disconnected from their instincts feelings and needs.

Those selected to control the behavior of others inadvertently create a need for more of their own kind.

Why? As people feel controlled, they rebel, then grudgingly obey, but the process further destroys their confidence in their own identity and instincts. Their behavior does not improve. It gets worse.

They feel untrusted. They are correct. The gradual erosion of connection with their own identities and instincts causes feelings of helplessness, and of course poor behavior.

These people now absolutely believe that control is necessary for all people.

They don’t trust their own behavior any more. It would be impossible to be that way, and still believe other people can be trusted!

That’s why we can’t get the trust of street people, or those that have been through trauma. To them, it would be foolish to trust anyone.

The overall long-term result, is the growth of huge organizations that exist for the sole purpose of controlling others.

Once we reach this point, it becomes difficult to believe life could exist without this control. Well, it can, and it did. It was a whole lot better for everybody as well. People are naturally loving!

Control causes increasingly worse behavior, due to the continuing decay of mutual trust devaluing the trust in our own instincts and identities.

The end result is top down control of the population!

We are pretty much here now. A country can be full of wonderful and honorable people, but this no longer matters.

All the systems are in place to make sure that the wishes of those on the top control everything!

Unfortunately, those that make it to the top are never honorable people.

Honorable people don’t feel any need to be controlled, and therefore any need to control others! They don’t even try to compete, or want to!

Once all this happens, morals and good behavior disappear from the population.

Just imagine all happening just because a child didn’t get to keep the strength it was born with!

Mother Nature seems to be very strict! There are no second chances. Fail, and you die!

Our one simple act of preventing our young from driving their own lives has taken us away from strong and independent lives, where we enjoy others and the environment in a mood of trust and sharing.

It has brought us to being endlessly controlled, while attempting to control other people we come in contact with, and at the same time living mostly secretly and not even knowing what we are feeling, or even who we are.

Along the way we have created huge power structures where we all live at the whim of those at the top!

We don’t trust anybody after all this, and rightly so! Very few people can be trusted any more.

Diminishing the power of our young took us out of community living, and into an environment of hurt and isolation!

The proof is easy. Allow others their own power, and then watch those relationships gradually change, becoming comfortable, exciting, and fun. Everything gets better!

And now, back to the story!

People who feel strong and remain connected with their Instincts are non-destructive.

These people feel powerful, and remain loving.

We have caused too many of us to feel helpless! The troubled are now overwhelming society.

Strong people instinctively allow others their natural right of complete expression. Allowing that is a lot easier when we feel strong.

The strong also insist on their own right to be completely themselves. These are always the ones who can be completely trusted.

We all have experience with other people. The cheaters are never the ones who insist on the freedom of living their own lives the way they wish. Instead, they pretend to follow the rules.

Do we know anybody who demands the freedom to be themselves and follow their own heart? Ever been cheated by someone like that?

All of us should still be feeling just as strong as when we were born. It’s a birthright for all life! Strong people are awesome!

It’s impossible for our children to become strong adults if they aren’t allowed to keep their original inner power!

They would need therapy to regain some strength.

Personal power is not something to be afraid of. It brings compassion back!

All the other life in our world keeps feeling powerful throughout their lives! We should too!

It’s only people that get born into an environment where they have to give up their inner drive!

Our young live their inner power out loud in the form of complete expression.

Our expression is the display of our entire selves. It includes our behavior, as well as our voices.

It’s also the ultimate measure of our success in life!

It’s real! When we feel fully comfortable expressing ourselves completely, we are happy. We feel good! We are fully alive!

This is a far better measure of success than money! How many really happy rich people do we see?

Any of us who are comfortable expressing our own energy have hit the jackpot! We have been lucky. We were allowed to have our own life.

Most of us never got that opportunity. We grew up in an environment where we could not express our real selves.

Those allowed to express themselves the most will always be the strongest.

Unfortunately, most of us have been told what to express!

And that’s where everything went wrong for us!

You just can’t do that to any living thing! It causes loss of inner power. It’s also impossible to get it right. Every identity is unique!

The power of all life comes from inside! All life is designed to be self-driven.

Any expression that becomes denied causes feelings. These feelings remain unexpressed.

Those feelings don’t just go away!

They remain within, awaiting expression. It requires energy to keep them subdued!

The more of these we have within, the less energy we have left to deal with life. We also feel overwhelmed all the time because we are not comfortable expressing our genuine nature! That’s been denied to us for too long!

That’s why it’s vitally important for all of us to always allow full expression!

Most of us afraid to express anything that’s real to us at all! That’s the whole reason for secrets!

That’s not our fault. It’s something unfair that happened to us!

Fixing this takes time and courage! We need to release every unexpressed experience that we hold at bay within ourselves!

We won’t want to! They all feel bad. They feel horrible!

Unexpressed feelings cause havoc within us.

They hurt! It hurts to deny ourselves the outlet of who we are!

When we hold back and consequently gather unexpressed feelings within ourselves, the accumulation eventually hurts so much we find ourselves disassociating just to escape the growing hurt.

That’s the disconnection we talked about.

Then we can’t feel our needs, our instincts, our natural wishes, or even who we are.

This is what happens to cause loss of inner power when we aren’t allowed to live from our own hearts!

That’s not much of a life left to us. I’m sure we can all remember a time when life felt right.

Through refusing to allow our young to fully express their own energy, we have brought our entire world to where it is now.

Make no mistake! Allow your young their full natural expression, and everything gets better. The younger they are, the faster that happens.

Allow them full release, and watch the magic. That’s always been true! For some reason people are reluctant to do that! We need to get over that reluctance!

We can fix this world. This is how!

First we allow our young their natural right to live out loud, and express their real selves.

This alone makes conflict just about impossible! First, most conflict is over the natural right we all have to express our true selves. That issue would be gone. We get that right, the moment we become allowed full expression.

Second, no person is in defiance! There is no longer anything to be upset about!

At this point, things begin to feel better, trust becomes possible, and love begins to become a reality!

This just happens, family sized, or country sized!

This alone would fix the world in time! We probably want more though!

Once we see what’s happening, and what’s possible, we are for sure going to want some of this peace, comfort, and excitement for ourselves!

That’s possible, but difficult! With every small step things improve though.

Just as things went gradually bad when we took over the lives of others, they steadily recover as we relent and allow others the freedom to be entirely themselves.

Everybody’s behavior improves! That happens in steps, the same way their behavior steadily deteriorated as we decided for others what their expression should be!

Every identity is already fixed.

Try as we might, we never had any chance at all of ever changing somebody else. All we could do was cause the concealment of their real nature, and pain!

Hopefully, that will end as people re-discover what’s possible when we allow others to be who they truly are!

I expect we all want our real world back. A loving and accepting one. That’s the eventual outcome of allowing others their own lives and power!

Thanks for listening. I apologize for any repetition.

This post is part of https:clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “😥Our recommended parenting makes children feel helpless!😥”

  1. Definitely a good eye opener 👌

    1. Thanks. I hope I can find a way to explain it shorter.

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