🧩How are people with high self-esteem different?🧩

They are pristine!

They are fully connected internally! This difference alone is so great that they might as well belong to a different species!

They don’t hurt inside!

They don’t focus on making a fortune!

Their goal is trust and relationships, needing only to have enough money to get by with.

They appreciate and enjoy others. Being fully connected with their own needs, they are aware that relationships mean more than anything else to their own comfort and happiness.

They aren’t ambitious in the usual way. Earning admiration is not important to them. Their goals are their own and don’t involve appearing important.

They don’t live with fear! They seldom feel it!

They feel good, really good!

Others don’t feel like a threat to them whatsoever!

They are automatically as healthy as possible for their environment!

They are comfortable expressing everything that they feel, without any need or wish to withhold anything.

They are always motivated but in their own unique direction.

They never lie! What’s the point? Lying is a betrayal of their own identity. It’s in some way, presenting themselves as different than they really are!

They are interested in truth and only truth! What is the point of believing something we know isn’t correct? It’s a waste of life!

They are absolutely cooperative in every way! That builds relationships!

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Every infant starts out just like this!

We are all supposed to be like this, always!

But, that’s not anything like the people we see today!

Why not!

There is only one thing that can change the nature of people!


Most of us live with damage now!

We are no longer fully connected internally!

Most of us don’t even know what we’re feeling!

How can we recover if we don’t even know what our needs are?

We make up our own goals or else we do nothing because of fear!

What then, happened to us to cause damage?

All life needs its own power!

Nature provides every life with an abundance of inner strength!

We see it all around us.

It’s the power of survival.

Humans have unintentionally stopped children from keeping their power!


If we can keep our power, we keep our full self-esteem!

Self-esteem is what we call our inner power!

It’s meant for survival, and it’s the pure joy of living!

All life is powered from within!

Children need to be allowed to be powered from within!

That’s the whole story!

That’s the only correction we have to make!

If we can do that, our children can keep all of their self-esteem.

Ironically, it makes child care many, many times easier!

Because of being damaged, people have not been guided by their needs, instincts, or wisdom.

Lacking access to our instincts, we have stopped allowing our kids to power their own life!

They are the only ones that know their own needs though, along with their interests, and their required order of learning!

Abandoning their own energy hurts! Their identity will keep trying to do its natural job until exhausted. The excessive hurt is what causes disconnection!

Changing our ways to allow our kids self-power fixes the youngest generation.

They will grow up strong and complete. There will be no more hurt, and thus, no more war! There won’t even be greed!

Try it! It works on any scale, no matter how small!

There is no comparison! The quality of life with full self-esteem is off the charts.

Without it, life is misery. Increasing numbers of people don’t care if they live or die.

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Allowing every human to own their own power, just like every other life on the planet always does, sure sets up hope for the future being a kinder place to enjoy life!

What about us? Is there hope for the present generations?

There has been an epidemic of low, or non-existent self-esteem!

How do we fix everybody?

I expect we will get a lot better at doing this once we accept the nature of what we are dealing with!

The process is one of reintegration!

Our inner world needs to be reunited!

Along this path, fear dissipates, right along with the rest of the progress!

This post is part of https:clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.