How can people have good self-esteem if we prevent them from being internally driven?

Every life gets the energy to go “all out” for survival.

Nature supports that in every way possible.

Our infants go “all out” too.

We call that energy self-esteem! It’s really the drive to survive!

It come from inside! What, do you suppose happens if we don’t allow that? Terrible things, and we’re living them right now.

In a perfect world we encourage that drive and energy. That process has a name. We call it nurturing.

The results of that are high self-esteem!

How do people with high self-esteem feel and behave?

It doesn’t take much research to establish that these are not the people causing conflict, and environmental damage.

It’s pretty clear that the opposite is true.

All the trouble seems to be coming from troubled people!

People with low self-esteem appear to have little conscience, and a desperate need to be important! Does that sound fair enough?

People with high self-esteem are people in their natural state!

Life itself provides natural self-esteem!

Only some of us are going to be aware of the truth of the next statement.

Undamaged people are awesome. Full of love, trust, and compassion, they are not only highly cooperative, but playful as well.

This is how our world is supposed be.

It’s what our world becomes every time we back off and allow our kids to power their own life!

Any of us with friends like this are lucky indeed!

Our task, therefore, seems to have become, “how do we make sure people stay with high self-esteem”?

Any thoughts?

What, do you suppose happens if don’t allow life to use their own inner power to learn life?

What if we block all of the efforts of any life, to cope with the challenges of our environment through their own resources?

It doesn’t sound good, does it? It sounds like they would have poor self-esteem. After all, they have been denied the expression of their own power in life.

What if this were to happen to us? How would we feel, and how ready would we be to take on the challenges of survival?

I expect we all agree that we would start out discouraged, and with low self-esteem.

There would almost certainly be hesitation, reluctance to take action, and it would probably require therapy to rebuild our own power.

It does sound important to bring our kids up with high self-esteem.

What if I were to say that with today’s upbringing, we do indeed stop the energy and self-expression coming from our kids, all of it meant for their survival.

What if it were true that we are not supporting them in their own efforts to feel powerful, and to cope?

What if I were to observe that we substitute our own ways, and insist on that, rather than let them power their own life, even once?

Then we send them out into the world expecting them to accomplish great things. We are surprised when they don’t!

Our world is filled with people with self-esteem issues.

People are in therapy for various relationship problems.

These therapies usually work their way gradually into childhood issues.

Does this help point out that we might not have done as well as we could have, with our children’s self-esteem?

What if all this conflict throughout the world is only the consequence of poor self-esteem?

What if self-esteem is the simply the feeling of power and confidence that is natural to us, and it comes from being supported in our all of own efforts?

If that’s true, then we are taking their power out of our children, rather than helping them to stay strong!

This isn’t criticism! It’s a discussion of the awesome opportunity available to fix just about everything wrong in our world!

We really can have the kind of world we crave, and deserve. Changing our approach really does work.

All we have to do is support them in their own drive!

Just like every other life on the planet does, and always has!

Every one is different. Every one will take a different path. Every one will be astonishingly more capable.

What’s possible, and normal, is at first astonishing, then heartbreaking when we realize the waste that has happened.

We all have a basic craving to be completely accepted in our true form. We struggle with this in various ways. It feels like an impossible dream.

It’s not a dream. It’s the way life should be.

This suggestion is easy to test. Just try it. That’s where the proof is.

Just imagine how each of us would be right now, if we only had been brought up in this way!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.