🧨We need our fire back if we are to enjoy life and do great things!🧨

What’s life?

It’s an explosion of energy, coming from within, all focused on satisfying our needs and wishes!

Coming from within!

In this condition, we feel great, and we can do anything. Self-esteem is unlimited, as it should be! We have energy and passion!

What happens if we don’t let life come from within?

This happens! This world! We are stuck! We argue endlessly! We feel helpless! Nothing can get accomplished because everybody has a different plan! The more morally decrepit a person is, the higher they rise on the totem pole!

People feel so bad half are on drugs of some sort, and everybody is looking for a way to feel right again, as we all know and remember we should!

How can we keep the excitement of life instead?

There is a simple answer to that!

We let the power of life come from inside!

To remain completely healthy, our power must come from within!

That’s what life is!

Just look at all other life!

With our power coming from inside, we are morally responsible, compassionate, cooperative, and playful.

We are also at our most lethal to our enemies! We have passion and energy! We are not stuck in any way!

Why aren’t we all still this way then?

Because from our very first day, others refused to allow our power to come from inside!

They just couldn’t stop themselves from telling us how to behave, and what to think!

This puts us at our very worst! We lose our natural connection with our own instinctive morals! We lose our passion!

Our power got to come from inside for only about our first year. We sure got a lot done though.

Considering the condition of people in these times, mankind simply has to change!

How can we do better?

We allow the power of others to come from inside!

We welcome it, and we encourage it! Just like all other life already does!

It fixes everything with that one change!

We all get to feel good again! We all feel strong!

Most importantly, in this condition we all like each other!

Sadly, it really is this easy! Why sadly? Because it’s been right in our faces throughout all of history!

We don’t trust allowing others to have their own power! We keep moving away from that! We do it with rules and laws.

As we do that, live gets worse! Trust disappears! People fight!

It’s never been any different! Allow people their own power and love breaks out every time!

Allow your kids to be powerful in their own right, and drive their own path of development, and what do you get?

The most amazing and powerful adults anywhere!

Life works just like that, every time!

What does it take to get people to see this reality? What has been stopping us all this time?
We tie ourselves up in knots until we have feet of clay!

Everybody lives in their own box!

Can we try and let the fire back out? It’s an amazing experience!

It’s life again!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.