Law and Order, The Easy Way!

It is only those people who are living with hurt, that resort to crime.

We don’t need our expensive legal system, or prisons. Does any of it work anyway? Is there real justice, anywhere?

We simply need to stop causing hurt to people. Crime disappears.

That’s a fantastic thing to say. Why are you even listening to this? It’s easy to demonstrate though.

Allow the children to power their own lives. With young ones, relief comes quickly. Conflict immediately ceases. It was all about our rules. That was probably always obvious. What isn’t obvious is how much better everything works without us assuming children are supposed to do as they are told. The world doesn’t end, at all.

Conflict, hate, and hurt does.

Simplistic, or not, it is that simple. The world’s problem isn’t greed, or hate, or lack of discipline, or lack of teaching morals.

It’s excessive hurt, spread throughout our population.

People who feel good, don’t hurt others. Not if they can help it.

If we stop spreading hurt, there will be no crime. Well, perhaps a little, but it will be the exception, not the normal.

Sounds a little simplistic, doesn’t it? It’s true though!

People who don’t hurt, cooperate. That’s what undamaged people are like. They are loving and kind. They can be trusted.

People who are hurting are different. There is no end of trouble coming from each and every one of these. If we fix one area, trouble starts in two new ones. It’s really not their fault. The hurt got handed to them.

The use of punishment to fix things, is a joke. It doesn’t work. It never has. All it does is convince us that we are at least, doing something. The only effect it has is to increase the world wide hurt, which undoubtedly makes things worse, in some complicated way.

The real situation is this. People who aren’t hurting are cooperative, fun, and loving.

People who are hurting, do things that hurt other people.

Destructive people are simply the results of them being hurt sometime in their past. Through no fault of their own, they will remain destructive. That’s why punishment is pointless.

The real and present danger? We are putting more hurt into our population with each generation. Therefore, people are more willing to hurt each other than they were in the previous generation. That doesn’t bode well for the future.

It’s sort of like a money system, except instead of money, hurt gets spread around, causing strange, and unpredictable consequences.

Well then, what’s the story? Where is all this hurt coming from?

The children! They hurt!

We accidentally cause it.

Mankind is not understanding the needs of our infants.

Life comes from inside. Needs, feelings, goals, and most importantly of all, the drive and struggle to survive, all come from within.

It has to. Life has to want to survive.

In all of nature, it works just like that!

In our world, are our offspring allowed to have power coming from inside? No??? Can it work like that? Of course not! The purpose of life is survival, and perhaps feelings. That all has to come from the new life, itself. It comes from inside!

Oops! We have forgotten how to allow that!

And that’s it! That’s the whole story in a few words.

Obedience hurts.

This is life or death hurt!

Why would it hurt so much? Because the survival drive is not a little thing to ignore. It is the dominant force of every life. It uses all of the body’s resources to adapt, and manage survival. Baby’s don’t get taught to walk and speak. They go do it themselves. They go learn it too. , They are thundering down their own unique path of survival, and life.

Our inner power is is the primary driving force of our existence.

To be obedient, it is necessary to ignore that force, and do as directed instead.

To be obedient, we have to defeat our own identity!!

A living thing cannot ignore the awesome power of their own driving force.

Something has to break, and so it does.

No living thing can live with the hurt of being denied their own identity, and power. Not, and stay healthy.

When that happens to people, they hurt more than they can live with, so they do the only thing they can do. They remove themselves from their own feelings.

When it’s us, we disassociate. Then it doesn’t hurt as much. We are stuck though. There is no way back without facing those feelings, and they still hurt!

That’s the hurt that causes all this trouble. We keep our police busy and our prisons full. We provide the hurt that keeps everybody troubled, and isolated.

The alternative? Support every new life in their own efforts. Every one will be going a different place than where we want them to go.

Sound inconvenient? Think about what we are doing. If every child is trying to go a different place than we prefer, and if mankind is making them go where we wish anyway, then is it any wonder there is anger in the mix?

We may have got used to the system so that we can just accept it, but what are we doing?

How arrogant is it to plan out somebody else’s life, without ever bothering to learn who they really are?

Most people choose not to look at life that clearly. We like to dress it up somehow, so we seem caring.

We cannot afford that luxury any more. We have driven ourselves to the edge, and it’s time to look at life squarely and not do damage. That’s all that’s required. We just have to stop doing damage. We must back off, and allow other life their direction, and freedom.

Everything gets immediately better. It always has. All that is required is we back off of being destructive for a little while, to allow health to catch up.

None of us own other lives, and we have to be mature enough to recognize, and see that clearly. Our only real option is to regain control of our own lives, and live out loud like we are supposed to. If we have secrets, we are diminishing our own importance. What we feel is real. Our problems are important. Our wishes, needs, and goals are very real. Why do we hide them?

Shame. Shame and fear. Where did that come from?

Apparently, who we really were wasn’t good enough to suit someone, so they caused us to be ashamed of it. Not intentionally, of course.

These things happen when needs aren’t recognized.

In a better world we would all have the inner strength to allow other life to have it’s own freedom.

Let’s all do what we can. It takes time and effort to change. More time than would be expected.

Having a clear picture is ultimately the deciding factor on which way civilization will go next.

Every person is deep in hurt! That’s pretty much where we are right now. The freedom aspect of life is becoming clear in every area of learning. Every application of direct force, whether we choose to recognize that that’s what we are doing, or not, has it’s own, always destructive consequences.

The sooner we can recognize our children, our early life, have the very same needs, the sooner we can recover from a world where everyone in it, acts out of hurt.

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Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life!

Norm Cormier.

I welcome considering other thoughts.