😥We cause human hurt, isolation, despair, and fighting! We do it by pumping hurt into our young. They will each struggle with it through their lifetime! Are we ready to change our ways, or must more people suffer?😥
Let a child grow through their own instincts, and drive, and the sun comes out.
🤯 Can I ever feel strong, and complete again? Will others like me? 🤯
Life hurts when it’s not allowed to be itself. That’s why people hurt.
💡 Is there an end to self-improvement? 💡
People do not live out loud. We hide our feelings, wishes, hopes, and dreams.
💝 Is it Possible to Love Ourselves? 💝
All we can do, when others make demands on us, is to hide every one of our qualities that they don’t agree with!
😥I Feel Shame! What Happened To Me?😥
Instead of being allowed, and encouraged to feel proud of everything that we are, we have been taught to be ashamed of most of it!
🏜-Is a Healthy Environment, One of Our Basic Needs?-🏜
Nature does that well. Mankind doesn’t do it at all!