⭐People are wonderful, if we don’t mess them up!⭐

I bet you won’t find it surprising that there is an invisible issue is our world, causing no end of trouble, and earth shaking disruptions in the fabric of our society, with every new event.

It’s a belief.

It’s wrong. It doesn’t go away, because it’s a comfort.

Everything will continue to get worse until we deal with it, or else exterminate ourselves.

It’s about identity. We don’t allow others to have one!

Behaving like that, others don’t let us have one either!

Every person begins life with the roots of their social and moral skills already intact. Those come with our instincts.

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Just like all other life, people need only support, approval, and respect, to grow, and to thrive, challenging life with the identity that they already have.

Any child, respected in that manner, as already intact, and allowed to be their own person, will mature to become a lovely, comfortable, and happy adult.

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Those kind and gentle people that we sometimes meet, are the product of having been respected, just as they already were.

They are not the product of excessive discipline. I expect we all know which people are the product of being overwhelmed with demands! We might have got beaten up by one of them, back in our own childhood!

What would happen if we take over a life, teach them how to do everything our way, and not only refuse to support their identity, but instead defy it repeatedly, ignore it’s very existence, and inadvertently cause that person to be ashamed of it?

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How would that person turn out?

We ought to know! Every one of us is one of these!

Each of us, and this world, are the end result of not being allowed to be, and to own, our own identity!

It’s why we don’t feel our own power. It’s why we hurt. It’s why we hide our feelings. It’s why we aren’t happy, except for the few so damaged, they aren’t even aware that they aren’t living their own life.

It’s why we need so many police, rules, courts, and prisons.

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Most of us want better. We know something important is very wrong, and we struggle with relationships, and with life.

This, our world, is the long term consequence of ignoring the identity of other creatures.

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Can we do better?

Surprisingly, doing better is easier!! A whole lot easier! So much easier, that life becomes fun again! Relationships start giving us energy, instead of tiring us out.

The easy answer is, “allow all creatures, including people, to be who they really are”! Who can argue with such an obviously true comment?

Even the rule makers still get to have their rules, police, and prisons, even though the rules would gradually become redundant. When people aren’t defending themselves, “the next thing to do” is immediately obvious to just about everybody.

All this conflict we live in? That’s only the pushback we get, from not respecting the identities of others. With that out of the way, conflict doesn’t exist.

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Any respectful group or place doesn’t have conflict, except for what is still in play from the past!

The only thing wrong with our world, is that we don’t allow our young to be who they are!

Correct that one problem, and every issue the human race struggles with, just goes quietly away.

Our entire world gradually returns to normal, each person being loving, gentle, and cooperative.

Surely it can’t be wrong to allow a life to live from it’s own identity!


It’s easy to test the suggestion. Try it on a family sized scale.

We have seen families such as these. All of them like each other, and treat us with respect as well. We secretly wonder how they came to be this way.

This is how!

I expect they, in turn, secretly wonder how other families turn out to be so angry!

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That answer is always the same! Respect for personal identity. Appreciation for another person, perhaps different from us, but we accept, appreciate and encourage that difference.

The gradual drop in respect for the identity of others can be seen quite well in the evolution of television and music. Some of the old shows are still loved by all of us. We can sure see a difference.

Well, that’s what’s changing. Just notice the respect people had for each others true nature, back then.

Then look at it now.

It cannot be fixed with more rules. That attempt is what brought us here. We are going to have to step outside the box, and actually change what we do wrong. That will work!

Respect can get worse, and is doing so, at this time! The amount of respect we get from others, is always an exact reflection of the respect their identity got, starting in infancy.

It’s usually, if not always, that one behavior that leads to conflict. Not accepting the identity of another is picking a fight, no matter how we dress it up!

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Disrespect is something we excel at, in these times. The condition of our world and the people in it, clearly demonstrate the consequences.

It’s not safe to walk down the side of a road any more. Drivers won’t slow down, or move over, when they can. Respect for the original identity of the driver, way back at infancy, is what has been missing. Correct that for the next person, and the consequent later behavior, changes with it!

This world is very far removed from the natural one for humans. It is also so very easily fixed!


This post is part of a blog, clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for allowing me into your day! Good luck on your journey.


I welcome considering other thoughts.