💖Infants, allowed to remain powerful, become happy and loving adults!💖

Life really is just that easy.

Look at nature. There’s the evidence!

Allow power, and lives are productive and happy.

Create helplessness, and the fighting begins!

Infants, stripped of their power become lethal adults!

Unfortunately, we have to let go of our counterproductive ways if we are to all have safe and comfortable lives!

But, the prize is what we all long for.

World peace. Inner peace. We all feel good! We welcome, and we like each other.

Right now, we damage people. Then we pay a terrible price!

We get this troubled world! For no good reason whatsoever. A complete waste of happiness.

Life needs it’s own power!

Take that away at the very start, and what would you expect?

Chaos, and fighting perhaps? Well, that’s what we’ve got!

Give their own power back, and what happens?

Community happens.

People feel good, enjoy each other, and help each other!

This is all around us, and it’s always been a universal truth.

Any of us who weren’t allowed to keep our own power cannot see that truth. That’s just what happens. We can’t change that and suddenly begin to see. With all that evidence around us, we are still not going to see it. Our own hurt and lack of power block our ability to see joy.

But it works anyway!

It really does seem right that new life needs to keep the power it was created with, for its own survival.

If that is true though, we have to stop our habit of taking their power away from them!

We just have to change our ways, steer our way around interfering with our infant’s and children’s power at all, and then reap the benefits!

We have to trust that life knows what it’s doing!

The reward is Utopia.

Everybody wants peace!

Well, we can all have that. It’s far easier to have it than to suffer from the damage we are causing.

All we have to do is to stop destroying the natural peace that we are all born with.

Just like Pink Floyd said, leave those children alone.

Allow them to live their lives while still enjoying their own natural power!

Do that, and there is no cultural trauma. There is no trauma at all.

Just imagine raising children who help out because they want to, and love us to death right through the teenage years!

Well, that’s just what happens.

The rewards are endless!

How did we manage to get here? Our world is full of hate and conflict. That’s not who people really are! That’s the result of damage!

Once here, we cannot see our way back. It’s a trap!

Once we get out, let’s not go back!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care.


2 responses to “💖Infants, allowed to remain powerful, become happy and loving adults!💖”

  1. short but to the point.

    1. I’m trying.

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