🚧Emotional comfort, ways to feel good, and how to live from our hearts!🚧

We are each unique!

Our real language is feelings.

Words cannot express what our feelings can!

Our lives come from within! All life does!

Everything that we are, that we do, or that we need, all comes from inside!

We are already complete and finished as created.

Life is independent! It finds its own way. It doesn’t want to be helped.

It only wants protection long enough to find its own way!

If we can allow others that natural right to be the author of their own lives, all conflict ends!

Back off, and allow other identities their freedom, and we are all naturally responsible, compassionate, and loving beings!

The needs and instincts of our own inner world make us so.

Block our inner world though, and there is nothing left to cause us to behave well!

This one issue sets the condition of our civilization!

As we allow independence, we get kind and healthy people.

As we force more control on others, we get damaged inner worlds, and all the consequences. These include greed, hate, fear, and violence.

It’s our treatment of infants that sets up society.

We can see this happening on every scale. Families and countries all develop the same way.

Allow independence, and everybody’s inner world gets to remain intact and fully functional.

We get to feel our own needs and instincts. We get to speak the language of feelings. We get to be loving creatures.

Our civilization reflects that comfort. Our world is a kind and gentle one!

Control our infants though, and inner worlds get pushed out of play. Our world becomes cruel and heartless. We can see this throughout our environment!

Everybody tries to control everybody else! It happens because of internal damage.

Life cannot be controlled and remain healthy.

It suffers damage as it fights to behave as nature designed it to do.

There is a name for that. We call it nurture!

We have lost the skill of respect and support! Our world is showing the consequences!

We haven’t made any meaningful progress in our own comfort in a long, long time!

We all live with more anxiety now than we ever did!


Who is responsible?

Respect is a totally irrelevant concept to us now!

Respect is not our plan! Our plan is to train everyone to be a good and qualified person!

We have no interest whatsoever in accepting and understanding the actual identity of our children.

We couldn’t care less about their natural skills and genetic abilities.

We believe we can teach any skills that we find necessary!

But, meanwhile, in our inner worlds, the world of loving hearts and compassion, every one of us craves love and acceptance above all else!

Others have forced us to abandon our rich inner world of feelings, instincts, compassion, and needs!

In short, we have left our own identity behind!

Getting that back is a process of reconnection!

It’s probably no surprise that each step away from our own feelings hurts us beyond anything we want to be aware of.

We keep all that hurt at a distance!

This prevents spontaneous healing!

We can’t return to our inner worlds without accepting these painful feelings as part of us now.

No matter what the hurt though, any recovery at all is worth pure gold, and far, far more!

It’s getting our innocent and loving selves back! It’s feeling strong!

This repair is what every person in therapy is facing!

Any internal reconnection whatsoever brings us more connected to our needs and instincts!

Give us that, and we just naturally return to once again instinctively supporting the feelings and identities of our young.

Living from our feelings, our instincts guide us!

Our instincts know life! They carry real accurate and compassionate wisdom! It’s the wisdom of all time and all places!

Our instincts can and will guide us faithfully! They know how to be on our side!

Through our own needs, we can then support our young in a way we no longer know how to.

Feelings, inner life, needs, and compassion are all good!

These are the opposite of anxiety!

Also the opposite of destruction, conflict, and war.

Considering the astonishing intelligence we all live with now, it’s a mystery why we haven’t used it for our own well-being and comfort before all else!

Instead, we have brought human life to the brink of not even being worth living!

We aren’t even aware anymore, of what it is exactly that makes us comfortable and happy!

I had always assumed that with people, somebody, somewhere in the background knew what they were doing.

Now I understand there has been nobody at all.

Thank’s for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.