Ever more, we relentlessly become more incapable of relationships!

Few appreciate that there is a root cause!

Life comes from within!

We aren’t letting that happen!

This will not end well!

Things are already pretty bad!

There are consequences for ignoring the self drive of our infants. We are living these consequences. It can get far worse.

The process of decaying relationships begins with our treatment of infants!

We are not allowing their lives to originate and be powered from within themselves, as all life has to, and normally does!

I expect we have already created Alzheimer’s and every other psychosomatic disease as well, all in this same way!

Now though, there is an even greater danger!

Society has arranged itself to prohibit truth!

Even our justice system refuses truth!

If we wish to call it justice, truth must always override every other consideration!

Otherwise, what is happening has no incentive to correct itself!

The scales have no way to balance themselves.

Nature never makes this mistake. Bad ideas always cause consequences!

But now, people don’t suffer the consequences of their actions.

Instead, we all suffer the consequences of every person in power who lacks wisdom!

We have created an environment where mistakes no longer self-correct.

Mistakes carry on with our full support, and we all accept the results as normal.

Nature always corrects itself through failure.

We don’t anymore!

We subsidize wrong ideas. Corrective truth is kept out of the system.

People lacking wisdom can now effectively banish any truth they disagree with.

This is certainly the most dangerous consequence of artificial intelligence.

It’s not intelligence at all! It’s propaganda!

It can ban the success of evolution, natural selection, truth and wisdom.

The real world!

If we allow the life-force of our young to drive their own behavior and thoughts, our world’s relationships will immediately recover!


It’s because we are supposed to live from the direction of our instincts and needs.

Our instincts cause our needs to want acceptance and love.

Now this alone creates behavior we can all live with. Love and trust become the normal condition!

Destructive behavior immediately comes to a halt!

This isn’t about to happen though.

All because we aren’t living from our instincts and needs.

That’s not allowed anymore.

First, we all suffer damage to our self-drive before we’re even aware enough to resist.

Then, we all live from arbitrary and conflicting belief systems forced upon us.

Our early years cause a great deal of damage to each individual, then as adults we lack the inner strength to stand against this destructive trend!

Most don’t even have the inner strength to even think about it.

Wrong-way world!

What is the purpose of going the wrong way as we are?

We can all clearly see the decline of relationships!

This is not going to end well!

This is what made Hitler’s popularity possible. Also Putins.

Our world is suffering from increasing numbers of people who want to escape from the system and start over.

They all have their theories as to how to make things work properly once again.

They all carry varying degrees of the very same issue causing the destruction though!

Life has to come from within!

Allow that, and we can successfully live free!

Starting over!

Allow infants to power their own life, as all other life does, and this all goes away.

This understanding has been subliminal in our literature and art throughout the history of humans.

People fight against corrupt dynasties.

The development of those dynasties has seldom been presented with clarity though.

The entire process only ever starts when we override the inner lives of our young.

With the resulting damage, they build a different civilization. One that damages the inner lives of every following generation.

This cause-and-effect revelation is becoming progressively harder to expose!

Our technology is working against mistakes having any consequences!

Is there still any ray of hope?

The only cure is granting personal strength, respect, and responsibility to others!

We are moving steadily the opposite way!

Self-esteem, community, and happiness are declining in exact step!

There are no more available lands to move to, and try to start over!

Of course every time we did that in the past, we unknowingly brought the seeds of destruction with us anyway.

The only times we were ever safe, was when we were too busy surviving to damage the self-drive of our young!

We therefore allowed their self-driven development! That’s how to make strong and moral people, and it did!

At the moment, our civilization appears doomed to extinction!

This has nothing to do with the quality of people at all.

We are naturally the most loving creatures on the planet!

It has everything to do with not allowing us to live our true nature!

How can our real nature be allowed, encouraged, and made to always be important, no matter who tries to interfere?

If we can manage that, everything becomes right again, and it will stay that way!

To feel good and to feel strong we need to learn to grant it to others!

Is this the ultimate karma?

Is this what we have been placed here to learn?

No matter what, it’s still the best thing any one of us could ever learn!

Can we please stop going the other way?

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need this internet address to return!

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.