Stop the Madness! People Don’t Have to Be So Troubled!

We have all seen new life bursting out of the gate, blasting a path for survival.

What would happen if we were to block that energy?

We already know what happens, because unintentionally, that’s what we do!

The result is conflict, defiance, anger, hostility, and secrets.

If you’re thinking what I’m thinking, it’s that very same energy, but now turned against us!

We do it to each other!

It’s really not hard to end this hurting.

We cause hurt. People cause hurt. It’s the source of all this trouble.

Everybody has hurt. We all carry it around with us. Every other life lives all out, nothing to hide. Humans hide most of who we are, and what we want. How sad is that?

What then, is it that we are doing wrong?

We are ignoring one of nature’s natural laws. Violating it, might be more accurate!

We aren’t respecting one critical need.

It’s causing hurt in every person!

What is life? We may never completely understand.

It turns up, then springs into action. That much, we do know.

Why does it try so hard?

We all recognize it’s about survival.

There is an absolute need here, to be allowed to put the pedal to the metal!

Denying that need, is the origin of the hurt in people!

How important is that blast of activity, which is meant to ensure survival?

Can we ignore it safely?

Can we ask a life to ignore their own powerful inner voice, and do our bidding instead?

Well, as it turns out, we shouldn’t!

It puts that life right into life or death conflict! It can put an entire civilization at risk, and as we can see, it has!

That inner voice is the identity of that life. Life is about survival, and that’s what it’s trying to do. It has all the resources. It has control of feelings. It has control of the body, it’s entire range of abilities, and inner processes. It is the absolute boss, and it is who that life is.

It is not going to surrender any of that.

It is going to drive that bus, or die trying.

Which brings us to people.

We misjudge our young.

They are life too!

Their own self is driving their learning, their direction, and their timetable. Those are all different and unique to each individual!


Respect is seeing and reacting to other life, but only as it really is.

Treating life as though it is supposed to be what we choose, is not respect, it’s the opposite. It’s obedience.

What life really comes down to, is a body and a driving force, coming from inside.

When we can see all life like that, there is no conflict. There is no hurt. There is human empathy, cooperation, trust, play, and feeling good, while being free of body tension.

Existence may be life and death, and it may be survival of the fittest, but other life is not, nor will it ever be, anything we can control.

The very hint of control is the beginning of the chronic hurt and trouble for that life!

It’s even worse for us, the ones wanting control. We feel everything important in our emotional lives slipping away, and can’t do a thing about it, because we can’t figure out what’s going wrong.

We lose the love, and we end up at war.

Before we start getting concerned about all the bad things that are going to happen if we allow other life to do as they please, can we just step back and have a realistic look at the universe, and the life in it?

Nobody made us the boss. If they ever did, they should be fired, because mankind is not qualified. The trouble and the hurt only ever appeared when mankind tried to take over the teaching.

Any human respected, and allowed to be who they really are, are the best. Kind, cooperative, and loving, they are to die for. If we can keep it like that, we don’t lose anything!

It’s the lives we have taken over and tried to teach, that are causing all the hurt, and the conflict. These are troubled and hurting people, who bring trouble and mistrust wherever they go.

Was it hard to get control of our children? Of course it was! We had to overpower their inner drive to do it! We had to get them to abandon their own inner power, and listen to us. Does this really sound like a good thing?

Does that life still trust us. Of course not. We want to believe it still does. We want to believe we have done nothing wrong.

But we know something of critical importance, has been lost.

Allow that life to power it’s own way, and we don’t lose anything!

We still keep complete trust and communication, right through life.

This is what is changing in our world, isolating people from their feelings, and each other.

Nobody has to take my word for it. Application works, and it works fast, especially for the very young. Allow others to own their own lives and actions, and just watch the change in the entire environment!

Respect our young as independent life, and get ready for a big surprise. The ability and the cooperation that suddenly appears is a blast from the past.

We are all creatures of nature. We get one shot at life, (maybe). We are allowed to think for ourselves. We should have been allowed to, from day one, but none of us were that lucky.

But, good heavens, we can sure do it now. We don’t have to follow the same mistake everybody else makes.

Our efforts were never helping anybody. The young do absolutely everything better, when we are not shutting down their prime source of energy.

All of our efforts were always only for us. We got to feel important, in a world where we felt disrespected!

It’s an illusion though. We get to feel important only in our own minds. We are not helping. All together, we are putting our entire population into hurt! Worst of all, we are doing the wrong thing, simply because it feels good to us!

Even our own lives are immensely improved, when we allow our young their own room to be themselves. We get trust, we get love, we get no defiance, anger or hostility. Instead, we get great supportive friends.

We can play again.

We get love, and community back! Does that feel good, or what!

This blog is There are many posts. They all explore this same issue in different ways.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.

Norm Cormier.

3 responses to “Stop the Madness! People Don’t Have to Be So Troubled!”

  1. This really made me think of a person.

  2. Very much enjoyed this read

    1. Thanks for your interest. Still trying to present this in a way that can’t be ignored.

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