The condition of this world is the direct result of the way we treat our infants!

A very bold thing to say, wouldn’t you think?

A small action such as caregiving shouldn’t have that much impact.

It only does because it happens at such a vulnerable age, and because it’s interferes with the basic drive of every human, self-esteem.

The conflict we have been generating ever since we stopped nurturing our young is now overshadowing every other factor in the balance of our society.

As with all life, people are meant to nurture their young.

We don’t!

Self-esteem is the energy provided to every life at conception. It’s the power to overcome all barriers to its survival.

To nurture, is to help support and encourage the growth of that strength.

We don’t help it! We stop it!

When mankind stopped nurturing and supporting the inner power of our infants, mankind also put a stop to strong self-esteem.

How would an entire planet filled mostly with humans that have low self-esteem behave?

Well, first we would begin concealing our expression. After all, the world doesn’t feel like a safe place any more, not without our power. We would no longer “live out loud” as all other life does.

Well, this has already happened. That’s why we all have secrets.

What else would happen? No longer feeling strong, we would begin to defend our behavior, our feelings, and even our appearance. The more we defend, the more we withdraw.

Life would become more like presenting an image, than being our real selves.

That means the advantage would be thrown over to the liars. The honest have only truth to present!

Well, this has already happened as well.

What else might happen?

Without the security of our inner power and being unable to completely share our feelings with others, we are all going to withdraw from relationships. Instead of sharing joy and feelings like we do with a two year old, we will share only words.

Once again, this has now happened.

What else might happen?

Fear! We are alone now and everything is a threat! We no longer feel like a member of a loving and supportive group!

This has happened for most of us already, as well.

Is there anything else?

Well the fear causes a need to find something to hate! This has not only already happened, it’s our world now!

All of this is the simple consequence of not respecting the real needs of every infant!

We have the opportunity to fix it all.

The time for denying this truth has come and gone. Our world, and our communities are in trauma.

All this is being caused by that one simple action. Every indicator points the same way.

Nurture is critical.

Provide nurture in the real and natural way, and all conflict just disappears.

All we have to do is let go of our attempts to be the master, and begin helping our young to develop their own power.

The writing on the wall could not be any clearer. But, still we cling to our safety net, our own power over defenseless new life.

We simply need to do the right thing, and no longer the comfortable thing!

Our own comfort and fun has always depended on that, and we still chose to be the boss instead. Now our very survival depends on it!

We need to allow our young the right to their own self-esteem, their power!

It’s a need. It’s a natural right. All other life gets that support. All other life does not have hate and wars, not the way we do. We created that distrust and hate!

Lack of nurture is how we did it!

We need to change! The cost is immaterial. We need better lives! The value of living now has reached a point where it’s hardly worth life any more!

It’s only a small change that’s required, and the immediate result is overwhelming trust and joy.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,


2 responses to “The condition of this world is the direct result of the way we treat our infants!”

  1. This is a perfect explaination

    1. Thanks for your comment. It means a lot.

I welcome considering other thoughts.