🐣The strongest, and the most successful of all children!🐣

If we can let our kids keep feeling the power they were born with, our whole world will become trusting again!

This is the key. This is the one thing that has changed our world.

As we have taken the job of “learning life” away from our children, and set up our own program for their progress, the natural trust between people has disappeared.

Our actions with our young have caused the collapse of mutual trust throughout the planet!

And, as it turns out, rightly so!

All life is self-driven, has its own inner-strength, and needs all of it!

So do people! We call it self-esteem.

Without it, our identities cannot function properly.

That’s because they hurt, if not allowed to function in the normal way!

With enough hurt, we withdraw from our own feelings. They hurt, so we retreat!

As we do that, we lose connection with our own instincts and needs. Isolated like this, it’s not safe to trust anything.

As we reduce our trust, our world changes. Fear overwhelms the population.

This is where our civilization has come to now!

Our identities are who we are.

Only our inner selves know our needs! Our identities have to lead. If they can’t, they hurt.

In all of life, identities power all actions.

If we can back off and allow that natural drive in our kids, we can have our loving world back!

Infants learn to walk and talk. They do this all by themselves, before we can communicate with them. They do this difficult job easily, but most importantly they do it without resentment or defiance!

Want to raise a world shaker? Let them keep all the inner power they were born with!

I expect it’s clear that if we are to let them have their own power, we also have to allow them to find their own way!

They are going to stubbornly insist on it! They always have!

Well, guess what? They’re supposed to!

This is how life is supposed to work!

Life can only feel strong when it finds its own way.

We can’t direct life, and still have it feel powerful!

Feeling strong makes the difference between cooperation and defiance!

Finding its own way is all every life wants, with every cell that makes up their bodies! All life is designed to do exactly that!

Identities, instincts, needs, and feelings all work together for success!

This is the way life is supposed to happen, and does so in all of nature.

All life comes with the energy to challenge its environment! Every identity is complete and firmly fixed exactly as it is.

No child will ever stop learning their self-chosen paths.

This is what they are going to do anyway, as soon as they escape from our control.

The only thing that can, and does stop them, is when they become unable to operate from their own inner strength!

This hurts them enough to cause a partial shutdown! It sets up lifetime hurt, and consequential avoidance of their own feelings and senses.

When people just give up, this is why. They can’t feel their own identity telling them what they want to do!

And here we are! That’s what we do now. We stop the eagerness and drive in everybody!

We take potential world shakers, discourage most of their inner strength, and unintentionally shut them down, causing them to feel helpless and impotent!

This is what teenage defiance is all about. It’s not a natural or necessary thing at all!

People have become fearful of expressing all of their real qualities. Therefore, we have invented secrets. People feel too helpless to compete with the evil of the world as well.

Subduing the strength in our very best, has thrown control of our environment over to what’s left, the greedy and selfish.

That’s our world now, and we have made it this way!

Now we have to live with a sick environment as well as the defiance and hostility, that we have inadvertently caused!

This is easy to demonstrate! Back off and watch! Let the children own their own lives!

That’s when we discover what our young are really capable of! That’s way beyond anything we could have imagined.

The younger, the more powerful the immediate reaction is!

Could it be that easy?

Well, it is! How did we get here?

One step at a time, keeping those blinders firmly in place!

Want to fix the world? That’s all it takes. Let everybody have their own power back! It’s magic. Bad behavior just disappears!

It’s only those who feel helpless that cause conflict. End the helpless feelings, and conflict becomes only history.


There is only one road to success! Real success, that satisfies and lasts.

Only awareness of our own needs can take us directly there!

Wishes and needs are spontaneous things. Moment by moment they change. If we can’t feel them, we have no chance at all of ever keeping up!

How can we satisfy our needs if we don’t know what they are?

Guessing can’t take us there. That’s something we just never get right. Guessing takes us every which way but toward satisfaction!

We have a planet full of unhappy people to prove that!


We can give our kids the biggest gift the universe has to offer!

We can grant them the ability to know what they need and want!

Yes, it’s true that every life is already supposed to have that ability.

People don’t though!

We don’t let each other!

We have been doing this wrong, and paying for it.

Our children pay even more!

They desperately need that inner strength they were born with!

All we have to do is let them keep it!

When we do that, identities, instincts, needs and feelings don’t hurt!

Consequently, people can feel their own needs! Feelings, identities, and instincts too!

Even our own lives become infinitely easier the moment we allow that!

What was the fighting all about anyway?

It was about their own inner power! They wanted to keep it, and we wanted to take over their lives!

The very moment we stop trying to interfere, trust returns, love develops, cooperation begins, and community feelings return!

That is an infinitely better gift than anything else we could ever give them.

We all get to live loving lives then, as well!

And there is still more.

People who feel strong have honor.

Those running the world right now would never get respect in a world with even a few genuinely strong people in the population mix.

They could never compete with people who are naturally powerful inside.

We could have people in charge that we could respect.

We simply have to allow some of our kids to grow up with their own strength still intact! Allowing all of them to grow up strong would be even better.

How awesome would that be?

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

3 responses to “🐣The strongest, and the most successful of all children!🐣”

  1. ○☆

    1. I will guess that to be approval! Thank you!

  2. 😎

I welcome considering other thoughts.