๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ง Our Ways Pump Hurt Into Our World, Then We All Suffer. ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ง

Each of us hurts.

It’s happening all around the planet.

This is only happening to people, no other life on this planet carries chronic hurt.

No other life hides anything either. Every other live lives right out loud.

What’s Happening To Mankind?

We continuously feed hurt into the worlds social environment!

We unintentionally cause widespread hurt.

What hurt is this?

That answer will take a mini-tutorial. A very short one.

All life has needs.

We see all life being born, and then striking out with everything they’ve got, blasting a pathway for their own survival.

Where does this energy come from?

It comes from inside them. Nature put it there. That’s what life is.

That’s true for mankind as well. The real power comes from within!

Suppose we take a life, a life which is under a full head of steam, powering it’s way over or through every obstacle, on it’s way to mastering it’s environment, and then we insist on it being obedient?

That is conflict. Should that life follow it’s own natural path of finding it’s own way, or let go of that, and do what is being requested?

One choice feels right, but brings on punishment. The other choice is safer, but brings intolerable hurt.

We only have control over the second choice, obedience. No life has the strength to carry on along the first choice, their own path, while still so weak.

The only choice then becomes giving up.

Life, including ours, can’t safely be obedient! It’s just not built to take orders.

It’s built to survive on it’s own terms, through it’s own efforts.

Just like every other life on the planet.

This is not a frivolous issue. This is life or death hurt. A child simply is incapable of being obedient, and still remaining perfectly healthy.

To be obedient, they must first defeat their own inner drive!

And that’s where the hurt is coming from. It is destroying mankind.

We are filling mankind with hurt! We have to let our young drive their own bus. That’s not a bad thing. Absolutely everything gets better. Conflict everywhere just melts away.

The need for obedience is our need, not theirs. Their need is to feel loved, as they are, not as we want them to be.

That is what all the screaming is really about.

That’s what graffiti is about. That’s what hate is about.

It’s all about excessive hurt.

The hurt released into the population, by us, is social poison. It travels around, causing conflict in unexpected places, as though it had a life of it’s own.

Other life is not ours to command. It belongs to itself.

Insisting on obedience throws hurt into the world’s social structure. It affects all of us. The consequence is conflict. Hurt and conflict destroy trust. The result is lonely isolated lives for all of us.

All for what? So we can get our own way? Is that really worth giving up trust, love, sharing, and satisfying our own most important need, which is to feel loved?

As we become forced to surrender our own drive and do as we are told, our only option becomes disconnecting from our own feelings. Otherwise we find ourselves wallowing in despair.

Other people’s insistence on obedience puts us in so much hurt, we have to disconnect or die. It hurts to do that, and that hurt is extreme. Disconnected, we don’t feel our hurt as much, however it remains inside us, driving our behavior, and we spread that hurt, everywhere we go, for our lifetime.

People lose touch with who they really are, and then become capable of doing terrible things. We had to disconnect, to allow us to ignore our powerful inner drive, and become obedient instead. The repercussions carry throughout the world, like a bell that never stops ringing.

We become unable to know that our primary need is to feel loved. We can’t feel it.

Then we can’t behave in ways which would satisfy our needs.

We don’t know what our feelings or our needs really are. We can’t feel them. It’s hit and miss. Our relationships keep failing and it seems like a mystery to us.

Many of us recognize that the way we are is not how life should be. We question who we are, because we can’t feel it, and what’s important in life, once again because we can’t feel it.

It takes time and effort to work out what happened to make us as we are. Understanding doesn’t really help us anyway.

What helps is re-connection with our feelings. Then we know who we are, what we want, and what we need.

The difficulty with re-connection is all the feelings that we have pushed away to escape feeling hurt. There is shame, because we jumped ship and accepted that our inner driven drive was wrong. We are now ashamed of our natural impulses. Why else would we hide them?

We’re wrong about that, though. Our real selves and wishes are far more honorable than our obedience has ever taught us. We should be proud of our natural self. It was, and is, far better than this world deserves.

Reconnecting with our feelings also puts us in fear. We didn’t surrender our inner power until we were so terrified, we had to. All that terror still waits inside, to be expressed before we can enjoy the good stuff.

It’s not hopeless. We can still get the magic of our lives back.

The lack of trust, the drive to climb over others to be important, the hate, the conflict, and the isolation are all results of introducing hurt into the population.

Without hurt to drive it, it all goes away.

Insisting on obedience isn’t natural. It’s a mistake. Changing that one thing fixes so many problems, it’s unclear if any remain at all, once we correct our inappropriate demands for absolute obedience.

Our children aren’t supposed to be obedient. They are supposed to be dependent on us, to support their drive for survival. No life expects to be stopped cold, and told what to do.

We have only faint memories of how much that hurt us, in our distant past.

In the real and natural world, people, in their proper environment are nothing like we see around us. They are loving, kind, playful, cooperative, and already feeling like the king of the world, undriven by the need to prove anything. In short, they are simply delightful.

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are numerous posts exploring this same issue from various viewpoints.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your day!

Norm Cormier.

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  1. I enjoyed this one. Keep up the powerful presentations.

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