🤬Gun Violence! Let’s stop causing it! It’s Even Easy!🤬

This is all about being angry enough to want to hurt people!

Why would anybody want to hurt people? None of us should be wanting that!

That’s all that’s wrong! It’s never been about the guns!

A gigantic anger streak runs right through society.

Intentional rudeness is the very same feeling, but on a lesser scale.

This anger is steadily getting worse!

We feed it!

We cause it!! All we have to do is stop causing it!

That’s actually easier than what we do to cause this ubiquitous anger.

People with healthy self-esteem, who feel good within themselves, don’t wish to hurt others!

The question really becomes, how do people get self-esteem, and how do they become traumatized?

All that anger, along with the fear driving it, just goes away when we satisfy one critical human need!

What need?

We have unknowingly and unintentionally stopped nurturing our infants.

What would you suppose that neglect might cause?

It has put our entire world population into hurting.

We all hurt, and that’s just not the way it should be! We’re all a little short-tempered as well, of course!

Does this consequence sound about right for depriving infants of the nurture, that every other life on the planet gets?

Gun violence is only one of the many consequences!

Unbelievably, it really is just that simple!

The proof? — nurturing works!

Anger and hostility don’t happen!

It works predictably. It works every time!

Where do the anger and hostility come from?

We no longer nurture our young!

Instead, we attack their identity. Not intentionally, of course.

We no longer support their personal efforts! We stop their own natural development. We insist they do as we say!

How could we possibly get this right. We have no idea who they are. The first time we opposed their natural drive, we lost feedback from their real identity!

Our job is to support their efforts for their own growth. That’s how life is supposed to work!

That’s nurture.

We don’t do that any more!

Instead, we insist they change who they are!

Doing this, what would you expect to happen?

We live in a world of misery. Generation after generation, working from our own hurt, we unintentionally do this same thing to our offspring.

The land of the free, and the hope of the world, has unintentionally become one of the worst offenders.

It’s all happening with the intention of creating a better world.

Offspring are controlled, and over controlled from the moment of birth!

Stop that, and cooperation and peace break out!

That’s because people aren’t hurting!

I am serious. That’s exactly what happens!

Anger throughout society, and gun violence are simply consequences of our own behavior.

Turns out we aren’t smarter than nature. Especially when we aren’t even trying to understand the consequences of what we do!

What is nurture?

It’s supporting a new life’s in it’s own struggle to exist and flourish.

Can we do that, while, at the same time we tell it what to be? Of course not! Those are opposite behaviors!

The mistake we have been making is assuming life has endless flexibility. It doesn’t. Every identity is already a fixed thing!

An identity cannot change!

It can only stop expressing those parts of itself that aren’t acceptable to others!

Unfortunately, that’s what we all do!

That’s called having secrets!

If any new life has to do that, it’s not in a healthy environment!

It’s in a hostile environment.

That’s us at the present.

That’s what we provide!

Gun violence fits in perfectly! In a hostile environment, we are going to hurt and be angry. And so, we are!

It’s become a necessity to have some anger! Could you imagine going to school and telling the complete truth?

An unhealthy environment!

In these times, we are providing a hostile environment for our young. That’s what the screaming, the resentment, the defiance, the graffiti, the destruction, and the gangs are all about.

We have created that reaction!

We are not supporting our young in their own efforts.

We only support them in doing what “we” want!

We are alone in this.

All other life supports the self-development of their young, in every way possible.

A healthy environment!

A healthy supportive environment is necessary for all of us.

It’s critical for infants!

Remember the good old days. What changed?

This did!

Children, in the past, had more support to be who they really were.

Infants’ first priority, outside of basic needs, is support for their development.

That means support, not control.

If we’re uninterested in respecting and providing real needs, we should not have kids!

The world doesn’t need more pain.

The instant we support children, defiance stops happening. Rebellion doesn’t happen. Open hostility doesn’t happen.

These are all reactions to our control, and our lack of support.


Stop the control!

Anybody who takes this message to heart is going to be astonished.

We are all used to the people of this world.

These people have no similarity at all to the real nature of people!

Those who have had their real needs met in their infancy are warm, comfortable, fair at any cost, cooperative, friendly, reliable, honest, compassionate, and just plain fun.

Being around them makes us feel good.

They have honor. Honor is natural. It’s only the traumatized who have lost personal honor. That’s a hard thing to get back! Without it, we don’t respect ourselves.

There is a name for that! It’s called low self-esteem!

As you know, that’s become an epidemic!

Nurtured infants and children are cooperative and helpful to an amazing degree. It just brings tears to our eyes to see how much they are engaged in life and relationships.

They engage instead of defy.

We just aren’t used to behavior like that!

The change is a pleasant shock! Our busy and discouraging life becomes simple and fun.

It really is that easy!

It seems the trouble we have been dealing with, and suffering from, is a consequence of what we do.

Depriving an infant of their most important need is a serious omission, and a serious reaction should be expected.

Now that it’s global, it’s quite a mess, isn’t it?

Fortunately, all this trouble has been caused by one act of ours. That means we have only one adjustment to make, and everything gets better.

We can recover completely in one or two generations.

It never takes long for a few isolated improvements to become an avalanche. We seem to reach tipping points sooner than expected.

Lets find our way back to nurturing our young! It’s the road back to peace!

The way back to community life.

For the most part, we have not supported our infants. They have needs we choose to ignore.

They are defenseless and can’t present these needs clearly. They can only hurt. That they do hurt, is supported by their defiance, and lack of trusting communication with us.

There is no way we can do something that serious without consequences. We are living in those consequences, instead of the utopia that is so easily possible!

Worldwide trauma sounds about right for consequences?

Well, here it is!

Here’s hoping we are willing to adjust our behavior.

This is a post from clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.