We Want Everything Better, So Long As We Don’t Have To Change Anything!

We seem to have worked our way to a world where very few want the truth, because it doesn’t fit what we have chosen to believe.

The actual truth is not that hard to work out.

In it’s beginning, all life is fully aware, and fully connected, including people.

That’s easy to see in the physical appearance, and the expression of an infant.

Losing connection with our own identity, only happens to people.

All other life carries on, fully connected, living life nature’s way.

They live “full out”. They feel naturally powerful!

People go into hiding. Everything’s a secret for mankind!

Which way would you rather live?

All life has an inner drive. A unique identity blasting into existence!

What’s supposed to power that life’s survival? Itself? Of course, that’s nature’s way! That identity will never stop trying. It has full connection with feelings, and all body functions. Left alone to work as nature intended, it will propel that life right through, until death.

Over the years, people have tried to take over that role, in the children.

People demand obedience. How does that get along with our own innate, and unique inner drive for survival?

It leaves us as a creature with an inner drive powering us through life, and at the same time, other people demanding that we ignore that powerful inner force, and do what we are told.

This doesn’t work! Not in a healthy way. That powerful inner drive is who people are! It needs support to do it’s own job, just like all the other lives in the natural world already get.

People need the freedom to be themselves!

We are not allowing that. People, in these times do not allow their young the freedom, to be themselves!

Could that cause conflict? Do you think?

To be obedient, people have to defy their own inner force. But that inner force is who we are. The hurt that happens in ignoring our own identity, is too great to live with. We become forced to disconnect in various degrees from our own feelings, just to stay out of pain.

Then we spend the rest of our lives trying to discover who we are, all the while having various issues because the hurt does not go away.

People allowed to remain driven by their own inner power are the best. The first need of undamaged people is to feel loved. Unlike most of us, they remain in connection with that need. They are playful, kind, and undriven by needs to be important, because they never lost their natural importance.

That’s a fair appraisal of where mankind is right now. We have a troubled world. We have evil.

What we really have is various degrees of hurt. We cause it ourselves. Everybody does the hurt dance, because we have all suffered hurt, in excess of what life can tolerate.

We were not allowed to follow the path that our own identity demanded, and the hurt was so great we divorced ourselves somewhat from our own feelings.

What kind of parents does that make us?

Being “hurt blind” from our own early experiences, we don’t understand the need for our offspring to follow the path their own identity lays out. Their own direction and timetable of taking on life. They needed that to be healthy!

That outlines the situation. We cause the hurt in our world, one child at a time!

What Can Be Done?

People don’t normally like to see life, the way it really is.

It causes feelings. There is guilt. We abandoned ourselves long ago, and on some level, we know it! We have shame. We believe our instincts, wishes, and needs were wrong, and we are ashamed of our basic instincts. We have fear. Our identity and feelings were our best friends, to say the very least. Without connection with these we are alone. That’s a lot of fear.

We are incorrect, of course. The best person we could ever be was that original identity. It’s also the only person we can ever be. Everything else is an act!

Our best and only hope for the life we should be having, is to find our way back. That original person is who people really are, kind, cooperative, fun loving, and feeling powerful.

These people do nothing but good, and that happens every time. It is not difficult to demonstrate.

However, here we are, and to see the accurate picture causes many uncomfortable feelings, for most of us. That’s why we don’t see the obvious cruelty, happening all around us.

What do do? Most choose to follow the most comfortable path. That means avoiding hurt. Avoiding hurt is to believe in taking control over everybody else. It also means not noticing that our quality of life just took a nose dive. The comfortable path pumps hurt into our social world. That’s what drives conflict. Without that hurt, conflict doesn’t happen.

A Clear Picture!

That is a good outline of how thing are, right now. It explains everybody’s actions.

Are we happy to stay this way?

Living with a clear picture of the condition of our social world, puts in uncomfortable feelings.

It also leaves us unable to demand our own way. When we live with more truth, a lot changes. Our feelings tell us we want to feel loved. Right away, we can no longer make expectations of others. We are highly motivated to get along, to say the very least.

We only get to be in charge of ourselves, not others. That’s the natural way, all right, but we are used to demanding our chosen behavior from those around us.

Who is ready to give that up? So what if it takes us back to the happiness and honesty we started life with! So what if it feels like The Garden of Eden?

So what if this is the best life possible, full of love and full connection with ourselves and others.

What will people choose?

Every path of learning, throughout science, is taking us to the same place. Respect and freedom. Women have come a long way. Dictators and authority are viewed with an ever increasing sense of distrust. The remaining discovery will be how quickly trust, and a sense of belonging recover, as the rules are relaxed, instead of getting worse, as most people are expecting.

What About Each of Us?

The road back for each of us is through our own feelings, reconnecting with our real selves.

That means joining forces with our feelings, which are the only obstacles to connection with the rest of our own human condition.

They hurt. We don’t want them. Our feelings remain uncomfortable, because they still hurt, from way back when we abandoned our real wishes, feelings, needs, and exuberance.

There is fear and shame.

If we can reconnect, we get back little by little, one tiny and difficult feeling at a time, and each step brings the reward of a more real life, as we once again become who we really are, and always were. The one and only life we can ever be!

The goal is always to strip away the behavior we have been using to stay safe, and to increasingly reveal our real, and original nature.

It seems to always feel like nobody is going to like us if we act the way we really are, and then the opposite is what really happens. Life’s struggles ease off too. If any of us can get back to the root cause cause of why we do most things, I expect it all comes down to “do you like me?

Is it easy to see that this explains the world’s and people’s condition?

Is it clear why people don’t want to accept it?

The proof is easy. Release the controls, and appreciate the inner drive of a child, the younger the better, and watch the magic. Everything wonderfully human springs back to life.

Grasping the real condition is difficult though. Our feelings hurt, and it hurts to really see what is going on around us! It’s a whole different world. It is so far away from traditional thinking, it’s not a small change, but rather a giant leap of faith. Even to grasp the full truth of it, hurts intensely. Genuine courage is necessary.

On the other hand, taking that step fixes everything, in due time!

Anybody who can begin these changes deserves the acknowledgement of being a genuine pioneer, in a world where most people accept traditional values, without ever questioning the wisdom of overriding another creature’s identity.

Good luck on your journey!

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many posts.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life!


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