🗽 Each of us was once a powerful identity! 🗽We want to live out loud, and feel good again, like we used to!

We really can have life, just the way we want it. It’s all just hanging there, waiting for those of us who dare to trust in nature.

Wouldn’t we just love to be, the person we were meant to be!

There is only one species on our entire planet, that doesn’t get to live directly from their identity! Want to guess who?

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People, of course.

What happened to us?

Our identity was our life force! We were nice back then!

Identity normally supplies the hard-won natural wisdom, that we call instinct. It provides the thrill of life, imagination, needs, interests, ground rules for survival, joy, awareness of danger, morals, and many more abilities and special qualities that we are sure to discover, if we can only return to our identity, our natural path!

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Mankind has drifted away from nature’s ways!

Our world no longer allows anybody to live directly from their natural identity!

It’s a terrible development. The repercussions are endless. All by itself, this has turned our lives from gently and loving, to suspicious and hostile, all the while filled with auto immune diseases.

Those without connection to their identity are lost people.

For them, along with their identity, everything human remains carefully buried, behind a wall of shame!

Their natural moral limitations, on destructiveness, are gone from conscious awareness. When people become evil, this is what happened to them!

This can only happen when people abandon their natural identity.

Over the last few centuries, we have become obsessed with getting our young to follow our directions.

That puts them in direct conflict with their own identity, their driving force to be alive, and survive!

The only way out for them, is to disconnect from their own inner drive!

Disconnected people no longer feel their natural power. These people hurt, believe their natural behavior is shameful, and hide their natural expression. Without that inner confidence and power of identity, fear just happens!

Once fearful, these become people who are comfortable driving really fast, right close to pedestrians, without moving out of their path, and never realizing there is anything wrong with that behavior. They really don’t know!

They are more concerned with pleasing authority, the rules, and that white line, than they are of killing somebody! Rules are what we teach! We have all been taught that the rules are more important than our own wishes.

Unfortunately, our wishes, when living through our identity, are far more cooperative than rules could ever be.

We have thrown out the baby, and kept the bath water!

The joy of living, and the comfort of companionship, in the lives of humans, has changed. Now we have hurting people, who keep their feelings secret!

Conflict isn’t even normal for humans. In reality, if we can ever get back to our own identity, we are a loving and trusting race!

Our one simple act, has turned human life into an epidemic of conflict, taking us all the way from trust and community, and into hate, and war!

Well, what ever could we possibly be doing, that could cause all that?

Every new life on the planet blasts into the world the same way. A full-out explosion of pure energy, meant to ensure survival at all costs!

Mother nature fully supports and encourages every bit of that effort.

People don’t!! Mankind has bit by bit, put a stop, to all of that self driven effort.

That move, all by itself, has done it!

If any new life is not allowed to survive through their own efforts, a critical line has been crossed.

Mankind crosses that line now, with every new life.

That’s really all that’s wrong. If we can only stop taking over other lives like we do, everything reverts back to trust, cooperation, and inner power, for everybody.

That one issue, really is the tipping point, that has changed civilization.

The concept can easily be tested, at any time. Allow infants to live through their own efforts, and watch the magic. There will be a complete absence of conflict, plus many, many good things, including lost abilities!

The beginning of any process sets it’s eventual direction of growth. In the case of people, this new unnatural beginning of early life, is setting up this world, as it is now!

Changing the beginning, is always going to cause the most change!

If this world seems uncomfortable, just wait till this next generation grows up! If we keep doing the same thing, as it becomes more and more accepted as normal, all of this conflict is going to keep getting worse!

This world, with all it’s pain, is the consequence of taking over the lives of our young! As we ramp this up, it’s going to get ever worse.

Or we can ramp it down. That alone, fixes everything! The “cause and effect” relationship really does work, and is absolutely predictable!

Nature would respect the efforts of our infants, and encourage them into self-sufficiency.

When we can do the same, we can finally have the world humans deserve.

Respect is a good measure of what has gone wrong. Our original identity got no respect. Has anybody noticed that kids who got no respect, have none for others?

A comfortable, loving, safe, environment, with all around support and encouragement, is who really people are, and what they deserve! It must start on day one, just like nature’s way!

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Genuine humans are absolutely nothing like we see. Not even close. The exact opposite!

Real, untraumatized people are loving, supportive, caring, and absolutely loyal, to the death!

That’s the world we want back.

It really is that easy. Not only that, it can be tried and proven.

Unfortunately though, this cure has a problem!

It’s easy, and it really does work.

But, true or not, it isn’t a cure that most people want!

It’s just not convenient! It’s not what we want to hear.

We want an easy cure that doesn’t interfere with anything we already believe. Many, if not most of us, would rather suffer, than change what we already think we understand!

What we do, in every child’s beginning is physical, and mental harm to their spirit. With the best of intentions, we set up lifelong trauma!

Can it really be that simple? Yes it can!!!

Not only that, it’s usually that simple, with problems like this.

Bringing life back to peace and trust, is easy. It’s changing attitudes that can be difficult or impossible.

When we don’t want to believe truth, we move on to believing something more convenient, such as we need more discipline. It never works, but most are more willing to accept that, than question long standing beliefs.

That’s why we have trouble solving problems. We don’t want the truth! We choose to believe something more comfortable instead! What do we get? Things get worse!

Nature will tell you, face facts, face the truth, or die.

We should listen!

It has become necessary for us to drop our pride, learn from nature, and clean up our act!

If we can support the efforts of our infants, rather than shutting them down in favor of obedience to us, we can have our real world back!

That’s a fact!

This post is part of a blog, clarity-of-innocence.com There are many related posts. Thanks for allowing me to share a bit of your time, this day!


I welcome considering other thoughts.