🐣What we decide to believe, creates our new world.

Before acting on anything, make sure it’s true! Acting on an incorrect assumption, can, and does create atrocities, 50 years or so down the road!

People love to tell us things. When we believe what we are told, simply because it feels comfortable, it can take our lives, and the entire world as well, to some awful places.

That’s how we got here!

That’s what happened to the kind and gentle places, that used to happen, here and there around the world.

The way our world turns out, starts at the beginning! The beginning of each life!

The way we treat our infants will determine what our world is going to be like!

And it has! How do you like it?

We are full of kind and well-intentioned ideas!

Most of them are not true! They don’t work! They cause troubled people! They cause conflict! They work against us, and everything we crave for!

We ask ourselves, “how much harm can it do”? Just look around! What you see is how much damage a wrong assumption can cause. Things can get even worse, as well!

Everything really does matter. Getting it right is important. We have to live with the results, assuming we even get to live!

The responsibility is ours! It doesn’t require very many innocent mistakes to brutalize an entire community! We are all victims of other people’s mistakes. A kind and gentle person still has to live in an angry and hostile environment, usually caused by the mistakes of others. Good life in a hostile environment is impossible.

It shouldn’t be any surprise that trouble starts in the beginning. It always does. Early experiences have more time, and thus greater leverage.

Life is self driven. All life is! That’s natures way!

All life has an identity, at its core. It includes instincts, the wisdom of the ages, and motivation to survive and explore.

All life is programmed to blast into action, and succeed at any cost.

What, do you suppose happens when we prevent all of that, and force our young to do our bidding instead?

We don’t see that happening anywhere in the natural world.

Do you suppose that a life, blocked from it’s own growth like that, might hurt, struggle to do the normal thing, and become confused?

Well, it does, of course, but things get even worse. To be blocked from normal existence hurts so much, that each individual has to disconnect from their own feelings, to various degrees.

This disconnects identity, as it normally guides us, through the application of those very feelings.

With each individual beginning life in this condition, what do you suppose life is going to be like in later years?

Well, this is it!

The sad, so very sad thing, is our world could be so loving and fun so easily, if we could only provide each life with a better beginning!

It’s just so easy!

The proof is free. Just look around! Within families and countries, the eventual environment always follows each child’s early start!

Want to fix it? Probably not all of us do.

The greedy enjoy their wealth, not understanding that they have already voluntarily surrendered everything important. Of course, if they can’t even feel love, they can’t enjoy it anyway!

The first thing to do is support the efforts of our infants and young, instead of defeating them. That’s what nature does already, for all life.

The next thing to do is to recover our own feelings, and thus recover our identity. Then we discover who we are, what we need, and what we want. That’s when we start feeling naturally powerful again!

Arthur Janov helped the world to make great strides in the recovery of damaged people. There is still a lot to discover and improve. As more people become motivated to demand their real lives back, progress will happen!

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are numerous posts along the same path.

Thank you for your interest. Take care,


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