🚫Why do so Many Deny Truth?🚫

Why do people often ignore truth, that is not only obvious, but right in their face?

Truth would seem to be in everybody’s best interest.

We hurt, that’s why. It’s because people are hurting!

Hurt shouldn’t be happening, but it is.

We will talk about where this is coming from, shortly.

What we do with our hurt? Let’s focus on that, for the moment.

People can relieve some of it, by finding just the right things to believe.

Remember the movie quote, “You can’t handle the truth“?

Well, sometimes it’s true! It’s a real thing!

It’s emotional, of course.

We all hurt.

Pretty well everybody has issues.

If we were not aware of the ubiquitous hurt, an outsider might see our world as simply the consequence of billions of people, all following their own path.

It’s not true though. If it were, mankind would certainly have an evil side!

We all have hurt. We all do a hurt dance. People with more hurt do worse things. Take the hurt away, and mankind is nothing but loving, and kind.

Hard to accept, I know. If we have ever seen a loving and kind person, all that really means is this person somehow escaped the hurt the rest of us all got.

We have a planet full of life, all desperately working to survive and flourish through the drive and the instincts within them.

All life is powered from within. That’s the way of life. It’s nature’s way.

That’s how people are supposed to be, as well.

But we don’t get to do that!

Are we driven from inside?

Not any more. That’s why we hurt!

Nature is flexible, but not when it comes to the identity of life.

Life has to be driven from inside. That’s natural.

Obedience is impossible for healthy life.

Something has to break, before that can happen.

Well, something does break.

Each of us has to find a way to escape from the avalanche of hurt we each live with, when we are forced to be obedient.

Like all life, we have a need to be our unique self, and survive through our own efforts.

When we aren’t allowed to do that, when we are forced to let go of our identity, and be obedient, we just hurt.

By now, just about everybody on the planet hurts, at least somewhat, and often to the point of death.

That’s a more accurate picture of mankind’s world.

Everybody hurts. Everybody acts out in different ways. Life is conflict.

That’s why we have to do a dance about everything we might say.

The defensiveness throughout most peoples lives, the exaggerated reactions we see so often, the degree of defiance throughout society, and the many other behaviors are all simply consequences.

We usually attribute these behaviors to the inherent flaws of mankind. That’s simply not true though.

A human without hurt is gentle, loving, playful, and cooperative. They need our love, they know it, and they work hard for it. That’s what a healthy undamaged person is really like.

Recognizing that as the real situation, every act that we see around us really begins to make sense. Our own behavior begins to make sense.

The energy that drives all life comes from within itself.

It comes from the unique identity of each life. Our identity is us. Everything about it is something to be proud of. Without hurt, and already surviving against incredible odds, we are all the best of the best. If we are ashamed of any part of our real selves, we are simply wrong.

There are reasons why we don’t feel that proud and it’s a tragic mistake. We will get to that.

We all started with instinct, the power to drive us through life, and a built in understanding of the real world to guide us through survival.

What every life needs more than anything else, is to feel loved, and to be supported in it’s effort to survive. It has to succeed through it’s own efforts though. That’s where the power is, and that’s the only place that understands everything about that unique life, what it needs, and when.

That’s natures way. Life thrives.

What happens when we don’t allow the driving energy of life to come from inside?

What would we expect? Conflict for sure. We have a life with a driving inner survival force, and we deny it the freedom to live through it.

That inner power of health and survival is not going to quietly go away.

What will it do? It will keep trying to drive anyway, of course.

What does this have to do with our world?

Mankind does this! That’s what’s happening at the moment.

We expect every child to drop their own identity and driven path.

We insist they stop all self-driven progress, and do as we ask. No life is capable of doing that. It’s not the way life is designed. Our children have already learned to walk and talk. They did that by themselves through their massive inner drive. They instinctively accommodate us already, willing to do anything we ask, short of surrendering their identity.

But they will never willingly give up their identity, which includes that astonishing drive to survive.

What do we ask? We want obedience. We do ask them to give up their identity.

We want obedience. Every cell in their body is driven with turbo-boost to survive through their own efforts, down the path of their own unique identity, and in their own timing.

Life is not equipped to do it. It hurts. The natural drive to survive is not going to quietly go away.

The only way to escape the intense hurt is to distance ourselves from our own feelings. And so, that’s what everybody does.

Obviously, none of this is good, but understanding this much does make the condition of our world understandable.

It also suggests a single solution that fixes most, if not all of the conflict throughout the world.

Our insistence on obedience has bent the dynamics of the natural worldwide system of supporting the efforts of individual life, in just this one human area.

What should we expect from this interference?

In the world of mankind we have children trying to follow their amazingly powerful natural built-in drive to competence.

We also have other people insisting they stop doing that, and follow instructions.

That’s why every person has hurt inside.

Forgive me for the long winded explanation. It was necessary to make the situation clear.

All other life and nature on the planet still work fine.

Mankind is alone in introducing hurt within each individual.

What do we each do with our hurt?

We all manage the amount of our hurt the same way.

We disconnect from our feelings, until the hurt we can feel is mitigated, enough to live with.

After that we all go our separate ways, each managing the condition we are left with.

The consequences are just all over the place. Most are systems of behavior that nobody could ever have predicted.

That’s the nature of the world we all live in.

It may not be the way it should be. Mankind certainly has some changing to do. We must respect and support the inner direction and drive of each unique individual.

Can we assume for the moment that overall picture is accurate?

Putting it all together, that explanation can’t be far off. It fits too well. Mankind’s deviation from nature’s ways adds weight to the assumption. That means mankind’s habit of overriding our children’s natural drive for survival, instead of supporting it, as nature does. People in therapy usually gravitating to childhood issues helps support the theory. The realization that absolutely everybody has issues adds to the picture. The defiance and hostility throughout our world adds weight. It is obvious that places in the world demanding the most control are also the most troubled.

The really defining proof though is the results.

Support a child’s own efforts and watch what happens.

Keep in mind this is simply nature’s way. Conflict disappears. Cooperation and trust appears. It feels like magic. It demonstrated that natural people are nothing like what we see around us at this time.

Nothing bad happens, by the way. It’s all good, or even better. Any person allowed to be their natural self is the best they can ever be. They can’t successfully be anything else anyway. Each life can only be the one thing, that they are.

If we can accept that we are feeding hurt into our social world, we can move on to looking at the situation of individuals.

Understanding more, is a process of sorting out how that inner hurt has affected people, and how we all interact.

The immediate point is, how do we live with our hurt?

What do we each do with it?

It changes the lives of each one of us.

We live defensively. There are millions of social traps waiting for us, if we don’t.

We have secrets.

When we live with hurt, it comes and goes with situations.

The quality that determines the degree of hurt we feel, is determined by the relative importance of our real identity, in each situation. We won’t be aware of it, but it will work like that. We might become happy, and we might feel miserable, and never know why.

It’s how well our actions are pleasing our real and original identity. It’s hit or miss now. Without full connection to our feelings, we can no longer feel our way.

Our real identity is always supposed to be important. Important enough to blast us through life in full survival mode. That’s how we are supposed to live. That’s the very best, and the only real us.

In a world without the ever present hurt that we all live with now, truth and reality are everybody’s default condition. That is of course, the way we are meant to live.

Unfortunately, we all live in a world where everybody hurts.

The biggest consequence of partially disconnecting from our feelings is our new discouraging sense of feeling completely unimportant.

We all live with some of that.

Compared to before, we feel insignificant. Our powerful feelings went away when we lost contact with our driving inner identity. It used to speak loudly to us through our feelings. Losing our feelings removed that connection, and that took away our natural importance.

We all feel unimportant. That’s why we don’t live out loud. That’s why we have secrets.

We can choose to reduce our hurt by altering our view of the world. If we let go of what we know to be true, and choose to see the world through different eyes, that exaggerate our importance, we don’t hurt as much. We have trapped ourselves though! We cannot accept anything real that interferes with our self created picture, or even work with real issues.

Not everybody is willing to do that. Some demand only truth, no matter what the consequences.

We have now caught up with our original question.

This is why so many deny truth!

We are all busy protecting our importance.

It’s a terrible waste of the only life we might get.

It’s all the consequence of feeding hurt into our population.

For those that do alter their view of the world to mediate their pain, they are trapped in their beliefs. That cannot change them without increasing the amount that they hurt.

That, of course is a problem. They are stuck with their beliefs, and cannot modify them.

They have an advantage as well though. They have medicated themselves. They live with less hurt than those of us who accept only reality and truth!

Consequently, feeling less hurt, they have more energy.

They can climb over others, to get what they want. They can also do it without additional hurt.

Once disconnected somewhat, we can believe anything that we want, our natural morals no longer reach us.

Mankind has thrown the advantage to the most dishonest!

Because of the hurt we have been pouring into our civilization, we have created a situation where the least honest people have a tremendous monetary advantage.

I believe these people do know the truth. They feel they have let themselves down somehow, and it quite often shows in times of remorse.

I believe they are also aware they had better not accept truth. It would leave them more helpless, and take away the advantage of feeling less hurt.

These people invariably struggle with trust. They can’t afford to do that! They can’t face being honest, because it would increase the hurt they live with.

When born, we all start out “locked-in” to the real world.

Once we comfort ourselves with beliefs that help, truth makes us hurt.

It makes us feel the hurt, that we already have.

Those of us who have chosen that route, have no intention whatsoever, of changing what we believe, no matter what proof is presented.

Moving on, I see two things to consider at this point.

How can we stop pouring hurt into our social world?

Can those of us who want to, ever manage to get back to a fully connected person, as we started out.

Children really do have a right to their own existence.

We have our own lives to work with. It’s not fair to take over the lives of our children in any way. They have an imperative need to live thrive through their own unique identity.

Our control over their development is all about our needs.

It has nothing to do with their needs.

Their needs are first, support in blasting into life through their own energy and drive. Their second need is to feel loved at all costs. This is the root of the natural human moral code. When you fully feel the weight of that imperative, feeling loved, what sort of behavior would you expect to see?

That’s the way they will always be, at their strongest, happiest, cooperative, playful, and loving.

The irony is the astonishing way those who insisted on obedience, enjoy a world of caring and mutual support, only after they back off and respect others. They were making themselves miserable, and didn’t know it.

It’s the best thing they can do for their own lives!

We fix most of what is wrong in our own lives simply by letting go of our need to be in control. That’s another story, for a different day, but there is power and excitement here. It’s a life of adventure, back for our enjoyment.

What we must do, of course is to learn to allow our young to be who they are. That’s what nature does with all life. Every life has a natural right to be themselves. That allows the finest person anybody can ever be.

There are people who cling to truth at all costs. These people hurt more, of course. They aren’t self medicating.

This whole system is set up by the hurt we unknowingly and unintentionally pass on to our children.

As we add hurt to our social environment, avoiding reality is one of the consequences, for many people.

Our civilization suffers from it.

Who runs the world?

Is it those who lock in to truth, no matter how painful?

Or is it those who have chosen to believe whatever makes them the most comfortable?

Who do you think ?

Here’s a hint.

People who deal with only truth are aware they live in a crazy world where people ignore reality, even when it’s right in their face. It would be a miracle if these people weren’t discouraged. Of course, life feels hopeless to them. They are very familiar with hurt and discouragement.

Now let’s look at those who have found beliefs to help lessen their hurt.

They don’t care about reality. They care about being more comfortable. Being important helps. Don’t forget, they still hurt. They do a dance to believe whatever helps to lessen the hurt. Being important might be the best cure they could ever find.

Now back to who runs the world!

Who has more energy?

Who feels less discouraged?

Yes, exactly, the believers of whatever works best for them, run our world.

The whole problem exists only when excessive hurt is being pumped into our civilization.

End The Hurt!

Some of this is a repeat. It’s a summary.

Stopping the hurt is what we have to do. The troubled people that we are creating, are getting more vicious.

Humanity is in danger of not surviving.

Healthy people are loving, kind, and fun loving. That’s what we need more of.

What we see around us is only the result of pouring hurt into the system. None of what we see here now, has anything to do with real people.

Life and survival come from inside. That’s nature’s way.

All life on our planet has astonishing energy coming from within themselves to learn, adapt, and survive.

Our children do too. They are driven to survive.

They are incapable of being obedient without first suffering massive amounts of hurt.

To be obedient, they have to challenge their own drive to survive. That’s denying their own identity. They have to defy their own inner power.

That’s where hurt is flowing into our culture. We put it into our children. That’s what all the screaming is really about.

Mankind must learn from nature, and support the unique identity that is already there.

The child will not only be the special one every time, they will also be so powerful and so competent, we are not going to believe it until it happens. That is how life is supposed to work.

Each child can only successfully be exactly what it already is. It cannot be what we wish. If we do manage to maneuver a child into becoming what we wish, all we have really done is destroy the identity they were born with, and introduce a whole lot of hurt into our social system.

We all have the right to exist on our own terms. We each own our own identity.

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many posts, all concerning this same topic.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your day.

Norm Cormier.

One response to “🚫Why do so Many Deny Truth?🚫”

  1. This is truly a well written message.

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