With one change, the world’s trauma just goes away!

I know, that sounds ridiculous!

It’s not so ridiculous though, if there really is one single cause!

Well, it’s true, there actually is a single cause!

What are the conditions that put you at your very best?

What if all other life causes it’s offspring to feel powerful?

What if you could cause your children to feel that powerful as well?

Would they become successful?

No, they would not!


Because they are already more successful than anybody in our world!!!

These will be good people. The best ever.

Who causes all the trouble? Those who feel powerful, or those who feel helpless?

We all have a surprise coming as we find out the natural condition for humans is love and playfulness!

What does it take to keep a human happy? How do we stay in this condition?

Well, we sure start out that way!

We have it in our heads that we have to teach children a whole bunch of stuff if they are to successfully survive!

If that were true, we couldn’t have created this civilization. Who taught the originals?

Were they happier than us? You know they were!

Surprisingly, the reverse is true. Our children have much to teach us!!

All of this is far more important than anything we are trying to teach them!

They teach us how to live!

We teach them how to give up, become defiant, and plod along in misery!

This is what has happened to each of us!

It’s all about feeling powerful!!

We don’t!

But, we can!!!

It has to start early!

We need to feel powerful, like all other life. That’s it! That’s the whole story.

It’s the best life ever!

It does however require a lot of change for us.

It requires respect for what’s already here, and for human needs!

Every life has its own unique identity. That is already fixed! Written in stone! It cannot be changed!

We need to respect and welcome that, and not try to change it!

Insisting on change only generates concealment of everything we don’t like, and a lifetime of despair for the child!

It affects us as well, as we now have to live with our chronically anxious victims.

We have to get it through our heads that children learn. They do it on purpose and with endless enthusiasm.

They do not require us to force it upon them. Doing that puts them into resentment and defiance, or else acceptance and despair

Everything we try to teach, they will either learn by themselves when ready for that knowledge, or they will promptly forget it as soon as the tests are over, just like we did.

We have been forcing learning for so long that we probably don’t remember that they will do all of it themselves willingly and with enthusiasm when their time for each lesson comes.

Remember all those questions from our kids? Ever wonder how hard it is to learn to walk, and to talk?

Children are learning machines. The only things that can stop them are our interference by teaching things they don’t want yet, or are uninterested in, or if the knowledge simply isn’t available yet.

We cannot improve on their desire to learn. We can only end it through their discouragement.

Being supported rather than being controlled, not only will they learn at a ridiculously faster pace, they will remain deliriously happy through the whole process.

Doubtful? Try it for a trial period! It has to be a long enough trial that they have time to get over their resentment, and to trust the new ways.

You won’t be doubtful anymore. At the very least you will have the most motivated kids around. That’s all it takes for their success. The learning we desire can be made available. If they don’t choose it, they are undoubtedly smarter about themselves than we are.

Emotional happiness and honor are the best measurement tools we have available. That is success for the individual. They will be a gift to the world!

Which child would you rather live with? Remember how much delight and fun an infant is? That doesn’t have to end!

In addition to our need to teach, there are other things that have to change if we are to revert to lives of community and fun.

We must recognize and admit that all life already has everything it needs to flourish. Our job is to protect our infants until they are strong enough to protect themselves. That’s all they need from us.

They are our partners in this, not our toys.

The resultant life is to die for! When we see deliriously happy families, this is what has happened.

We will need a new word for self-esteem. This life is so far beyond normal limits, the word no longer fits!

Health will become an issue! It will be far better than anything we are used to!

Granted this is a lot of change for us.

None for the children though. For them, we have simply moved back to real natural ways that actually work. This treatment is just what they naturally expect!

This is, of course, a shocking and drastic change in how we act and how we think.

It’s also the very same change, in reverse, that has brought us here in a long slow process!

Good luck on your own journey.

Thanks for listening.


I welcome considering other thoughts.