What determines our ability to “live out loud”?
Surprisingly, it’s our own respect, or lack of it for other people! Change how we view others, and our whole life changes with it! Any hate we have causes damage. What damage? It suppresses our own ability to express ourselves. It’s the hater that gets shut down. Haters live in fear! If we go around…
Ever more, we relentlessly become more incapable of relationships!
Few appreciate that there is a root cause! Life comes from within! We aren’t letting that happen! This will not end well! Things are already pretty bad! There are consequences for ignoring the self drive of our infants. We are living these consequences. It can get far worse. The process of decaying relationships begins with…
🌱When infants aren’t allowed to be self-driven, the world hurts!🌱
This is critical! It’s the pivot point of human life! If we allow our infants to keep their own inner lives and power, the way nature intended, the world doesn’t descend into the mess it has! Deprive any infant of their own power and inner life, and that’s the way to make bad guys! Otherwise,…
💎Like it or not, we are helpless. The more we accept that, the better life gets.💎
Sickness and death show us how helpless we really are. Life is unfair! It’s getting worse! Ironically, it’s what we do to avoid being helpless, that sets up our lifetime of hurts and struggles. Our struggle to control What should we do when we don’t want to feel helpless anymore? We are always going to…
💖Currently, we’re victims of the way we see others!💖
Life comes from inside! That’s how life works. As long as this is accepted and allowed, everybody is just fine! But, that’s just not allowed anymore! All our problems begin when our lives aren’t allowed to come from within! This has happened to most, if not all of us! Nowadays, we get told how to…
💎Our upbringing sets the value of how important we each feel!💎
It also determines how much self-doubt, anxiety, and internal stress we will live with, for all of our lives! It shouldn’t, but it does right now, and that’s what this blog is all about! The repercussions are staggering! All together, this situation sets the values of our civilization! This is the cause of war! It’s…
💔Hate poisons our hearts.💔Few ever find their way back!💔
Hate is gradually becoming an epidemic in most places! People are less respectful of each other. There is more concealed hostility. It has only one cause! Conflict and hate only happen when someone decides that another should not have equal power! In this world, it begins with the children. Apparently, we have decided they shouldn’t…
💫What makes us strong and compassionate? The strength of our inner world does!💫
There isn’t anybody who could be maliciously and deliberately cruel, while still well connected with their own inner world! Atrocities only become possible after people have disconnected from their inner lives. Awareness of our own needs prevents it! For all of us, everything good about life comes from deep within! Are we interesting or boring?…
🔔Is it still possible to be strong and free?🔔
Yes it is! We just need to be lucky! We need to be born into an environment where others support and encourage us to face life, but only through our own resources! That’s all it takes! That’s the whole difference! That’s the only difference between severely troubled people full of anxiety, and others with plenty…