💫Return Power To The People!💫
Do we want people to behave well? Then they need to keep the power they were born with! That’s all it takes! This sets behavior! The more helpless people feel, the worse they behave! That’s not hard to verify! When we feel helpless enough, it becomes impossible to change our behavior! Many will agree, having…
😥The Consequences Of Our Own Actions Appear As New Problems!😥
Hostility has emerged throughout our population! We made that happen! Our leaders are selfish and have no honor! We caused that as well! Trust has disappeared! People feel isolated! Yes, we did that too! Honorable people struggle to even survive, while those who cheat and lie amass fortunes! Once again, we made it that way!…
😨People aren’t supposed to be troubled!😨
We do it to ourselves! We ignore Mother Nature, and then our children suffer the consequences! They become troubled, just like us! The difference between how we feel, and how we should be feeling is so big, it’s close to the difference between life and death. Some of us actually do choose death! All this…
We took Utopia, and turned it into misery! We did it with one (seemingly) innocent mistake! We are supposed to support our children in their own drive for their place in this world! We don’t support them! What we support is our own ideas of what’s good for them! Without our support, and because we…
💡Want strong offspring? Let your kids keep their drive!💡
When they become adults, our children are going to be exactly as strong as we allowed them to be in their early years! That’s a universal truth! When we don’t allow them any power at all, helpless is the way they grow up! Helpless people fight! That’s all that’s wrong with our world right now!…
💥The race to feel powerful!💥
This seems to be the next big thing! The winners get to feel as good as they did when they were infants! In the sixties we figured out people don’t have an evil side at all! It was only damage to people that was causing bad behavior! Now, we have discovered that feeling good makes…
🦁We need to be allowed to keep our inner strength!🦁
Were born feeling powerful, and we need that! All life has its own driving force! Do we have anxiety? That’s loss of trust from having our power taken away! Anxiety will be ours until we can find a way to regain that inner strength! All life gets its own power! What would happen if we…
😰As we abandon trusting ways, anxiety is the consequence!😰
If we have anxiety, it’s because our trust of others is gone! The only way to fix this, is to regain that trust! We are all born with absolute trust, and full inner power. We need both. The default beliefs of this generation damage inner power, which in turn destroys trust! Civilization is in crisis,…
🤗Unlimited trust is a natural medicine for humans!🤗
Trust is real! Accomplish it, and we feel satisfied. We don’t want more! We are finally at peace! Absolute comfort! Our needs have been met. We have left anxiety behind us. There is no other goal that can do this. All other goals leave us still feeling the same, and still wanting more! Humans have…
There is only one healthy expectation, for all life!
Any of us lucky enough to survive infancy, while still in full connection with our feelings, have only this basic natural expectation. Trust! That’s the one thing people crave, even above survival itself! If we’re not open though, we have to live without it! It’s all we should ever expect, or need from others! Every…