🌋Want to feel confident and strong? Our own power is the only way!🌋
Every life is driven by its own power! Every one of us started our lives feeling full of amazing inner strength! That’s what made it easy to learn to walk and talk. But, children don’t get to keep their power anymore! THE TRAGIC DIFFERENCE! Feeling powerful, we are the kindest, most loving creatures on the…
💕Only our identities and instincts can make our lives right.💕
With enough of us living through our inner lives, our culture can become kind once again! Doing whatever feels easiest is what has brought us to where we are now. If we continue to do that, our lives will continue to get lonelier and more violent! WISDOM AND MORALS We each carry our own rulebook…
💘How we view others, is broken now!💔
When we can see other people’s needs, and allow them their own power, we change! That’s right, it changes us! We have taken a giant step into our own instincts and identities! After we do that, we treat others differently. We also start to feel good again! Of course others feel that difference. They appreciate…
🖤Trump is one symptom of a much larger problem!🖤
People are angry and defiant! That’s why Trump has a following! Same with Hamas! Many of us don’t care anymore if our actions make sense! People are mad, getting madder, and they’re just not going to take it anymore! WHY? How did we generate so many unhappy and defiant people? Most people are not going…
🤍It’s overcontrol of the children that causes the world’s conflict!🤍
The energy of all life comes from within, and we have to let it do that! When we don’t, it loses its power! I doubt that many of us realize that the conflict throughout our world has one cause, is completely unnecessary, and can be easily fixed! When we overwhelm the identity and natural instincts…
How to overcome life without self-esteem or confidence!
What can people do without self-esteem or confidence? I expect we all know how debilitating it is to feel that way. It immediately puts us at the bottom of the social ladder. What’s worse is we usually don’t know what’s wrong, or why we are different! It’s a temporary condition though! Things don’t have to…
💝People need their inner strength to be able to love!💝
People are born feeling powerful. All life is! Children need the inner strength they were born with! The more powerful we feel, the kinder we are! It’s critical for our lifelong health! Our young don’t get to keep their power! Consequently, we still feel helpless as adults! That’s all that’s wrong! That alone has caused…
What is the root cause of war? To fix any social problem, we must first find our way to the basic cause! When we don’t, there is usually a good reason why we can’t! The most common reason of all? We don’t wish to change! Therefore, we don’t look there! And, so it is with…
🎗Do other people have needs?🎗
A timely question, wouldn’t you say? Life today completely ignores this issue! Very few of us are capable of real relationships anymore! Sure we think we’re great at it! We do everything the books tell us to do! We give others everything we think they should get! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way, and it…