💰Will designer children be happy and successful?💰
They will not! Every life on the planet is self driven, and unique! Every life is itself and needs support for being exactly that. It cannot be what we wish. If we force that anyway, it will try to resist. If we win, there will be less, or no self-esteem. The process of supporting the…
😨Can we get over being shy?😨
The usual answer is to take a chance and express ourselves anyway. That doesn’t deal with the cause of being shy. It usually trades one fear for another. There is one thing that can be done, that will actually work. This removes the cause! Can we talk about the real reason for shyness? All life…
☮Why can’t some people stop their arguing and fighting?☮
They can’t help it! The defiance keeps them out of fear. This always varies directly with nurturing! It starts in the beginning! (Doesn’t everything!) It’s always about either trust, or fear. The way we all experience the world is set up in infancy. The manipulators and fighters didn’t get any nurturing! To nurture, is to…
🤍Our world doesn’t have to be a sick place!🤍
What do we have to do? We simply allow people to be themselves! Seriously, that’s all that’s wrong. It seems to be going unnoticed that people’s right to be themselves has become progressively more under attack! The consequences though are becoming serious enough to bury us! Respect has bottomed out! Shared feelings are rare. Even…
💌Self-esteem and confidence, we can talk about it now!💌
Having confidence along with high self-esteem is the consequence of being lucky. We all have an identity. It uses instincts, feelings, all of our senses, and awareness of our inner condition and the world, to power and guide us in all of our efforts. As an infant and young child there is no such a…
🥰Do we want to be our ideal self?🥰
There’s a far better self, which leads directly to the most happy and meaningful life possible! Our own real identity is the best self we could ever hope to get! Unfortunately, we don’t get to live our identity, not these days! It’s because our civilization has forgotten how to nurture. Not living our own identity…
👍🏻Our quality of life is on a downhill slide! Why?👍🏻
We have forgotten how to nurture! We should be supporting every new life in its own efforts to flourish! “In it’s own efforts”! That’s not what we do any more! That’s one little thing. It has changed our civilization! It has destroyed trust! Generation after generation, we feel less “approved of” by others around us.…
💗The easier it gets to look in the mirror, the more value our life has!💗
Our world is populated with people who hurt. Being immersed in it brings out the worst in people! As we accept the moral compass of this environment, our lives feel increasingly pointless. Want to feel naturally important? Our own, original identity can do that for us. We have to dig deep, and really listen for…
🥰What makes us happy?🥰
“Living out loud” makes us happy! In today’s world though, we just don’t get to do that! Why? We are driven, working endlessly to make others behave as we think they should. When we do that, it prevents us from healing naturally from our own hurt. We use our hurt in a way that eases…
💎Every one of us desperately craves approval, for our lifetime!🏆
The approval we need though, has to be acceptance of our real identity. What about approval we get for being what others want us to be? Doesn’t that help us? Nausea! That’s what that gives us! It puts us into nausea! That despair can and usually does get worse. It can get so bad we…