Category: Children’s real needs!
💕Love and community are still possible, but a few things need to go!💕
Humans are a loving, compassionate, sharing, fun, and trusting race! Doesn’t sound like anybody we know does it? It’s true though, we are a loving race. As a group, we have accepted some assumptions about life that came from the past. Some of these are making the natural trust between people impossible. Unexpectedly, they cause…
💎When children lose their power, it’s gone for good!💎
Our present environment is not natural. In good condition, people are kind and loving, not warlike! People don’t normally have hate in them. We don’t normally feel helpless either, or feel so inadequate that we keep much of our lives secret. What has happened to the kind and loving environment that we know can happen?…
💥How powerful should we allow our children to be?💥
Life has it’s ways. Every new life is provided with it’s own power. It’s for survival. We call it self-esteem. That’s what we see around us. Every life has it’s own power. Tons of it! We begin life with that inner strength. What happens when we allow our kids to keep it? On the other…
💖We were made to love and please others!💖
That’s why love keeps coming up! It’s our default condition. We were meant to grow up wild! We were meant to lead from our heart, learning and growing in all the ways we, ourselves wished. We were meant to feel loved with every cell of our bodies. We were meant to feel the same way…
😠People only do bad things because they’ve been hurt!
If we never caused hurt in the first place, we wouldn’t ever have to endure bad behavior! Nature provides support for survival, just the way it should be done, with assistance instead of hurt! People though, provide despair instead. We read the situation wrong, and we unintentionally cause hurt. There is no need to cause…
😱If we live how we really feel, we get our best chance of regaining our full self-esteem.😱
Feeling helpless is not our failure. It’s something that happened to us! All life gets an explosion of pure energy to power it through life. People call it self-esteem. Nurture is the way all life respects and supports that power of survival. Mankind has gradually stopped supporting it. The price we pay for unintentionally taking…
💡A better world happens when we feel strong!💡
Want a troubled world, then make people feel helpless! Some families do that all the time. The animosity and fighting are easy to see. How can we tell when someone feels helpless? They always try to be important in the eyes of others. Mankind has created the need to appear important. We did it through…
😛The best children got to keep their own power!
Every life on the planet is provided with the power and the energy to survive and flourish! If every child got to keep it, this entire world would be comfortable, loving, and caring! They would be the strong ones! Strong people just want to enjoy life, be loved, and take care of others. And play,…
👪Present-day relationships are a poor substitute for real ones!👪
We each need to feel fully accepted, and able to express our entire real selves. Outside of basic necessities, this means absolutely everything to all life as well as us. Other life on the planet already enjoys this natural right, and always has. For people, this right doesn’t exist anymore! That’s all that’s wrong! When…