🩹What do we get, as we relearn how to nurture our children, in the natural way?🩹
Natural ways satisfy their real needs, instead of ours! We get infants who don’t scream! Children who don’t squabble! Children without psychosomatic illness! Children who openly love us, having absolutely no fear of what we might ask of them! Cooperative children that just want to help! Don’t believe me? I really don’t blame you. It…
💜Our Failure to Nurture, The Terrifying Cost!💜
When we nurture, we support and we encourage the efforts of new life to flourish, through their own efforts. That’s natures way! But, people don’t nurture any more!!! Does it matter? That alone is pretty much responsible for everything wrong with our world! And rightly so! Without nurture, we are all lost in a cruel…
💥Basic truths about people, in these times!💥
We all begin life in perfect shape, with full self-esteem! If we get full support, also known as nurturing, we become the best of the best! Kind, loving, fully connected with our feelings, instincts, and awareness of our inner and outer environment, we have honor, and compassion and we are playful. When we are all…
👍🏻Do we need validation from others? 💥Is that self-esteem?
Like it or nor, we are all plugged into the human condition! We do indeed crave appreciation, validation, and approval. That’s what it is to be human. Trying to avoid that, is the doorway to loneliness! When life isn’t working, the problem is coming from others, usually far in the past. In this world it…
♻Why Don’t We Have High Self Esteem Now?♻
I am going to suggest a slightly different picture of this situation. All life begins with “full-out” self-esteem. With normal nurturing, life keeps it! People have become a special case. We don’t nurture anymore. We ignore our infant’s drive to cope with life. We no longer encourage that. We prefer obedience and believe it’s a…
🔨Our lack of nurturing is turning people destructive!🔨
It starts in the cradle. Like it or not, all life has a need to be accepted and appreciated for exactly what it is! It’s a critical need, so powerful the words to describe it, don’t even exist. Bit by bit, we have gradually stopped allowing our children that natural right! The consequences are a…
💰Will designer children be happy and successful?💰
They will not! Every life on the planet is self driven, and unique! Every life is itself and needs support for being exactly that. It cannot be what we wish. If we force that anyway, it will try to resist. If we win, there will be less, or no self-esteem. The process of supporting the…
😨Can we get over being shy?😨
The usual answer is to take a chance and express ourselves anyway. That doesn’t deal with the cause of being shy. It usually trades one fear for another. There is one thing that can be done, that will actually work. This removes the cause! Can we talk about the real reason for shyness? All life…
☮Why can’t some people stop their arguing and fighting?☮
They can’t help it! The defiance keeps them out of fear. This always varies directly with nurturing! It starts in the beginning! (Doesn’t everything!) It’s always about either trust, or fear. The way we all experience the world is set up in infancy. The manipulators and fighters didn’t get any nurturing! To nurture, is to…
🤍Our world doesn’t have to be a sick place!🤍
What do we have to do? We simply allow people to be themselves! Seriously, that’s all that’s wrong. It seems to be going unnoticed that people’s right to be themselves has become progressively more under attack! The consequences though are becoming serious enough to bury us! Respect has bottomed out! Shared feelings are rare. Even…