๐The Road Back to Love!๐
PEOPLE ARE SELF-DRIVEN! ALL LIFE IS! Left alone to find their own way, people are the most loving creatures on the planet. Control them though, and the fighting begins! We can easily live in peace and harmony! We see it sometimes. How? Allow others to live from the direction of their own instincts! People are…
๐Where did the love go?๐
With only good intentions, we killed it! We did it with our childcare! The power of life comes from within! When we allow inner power in others, love flourishes. Unfortunately, we don’t allow it! Consequently, our children grow up feeling powerless and helpless! They eventually build a sick world! This isn’t a theory! It’s clearly…
๐ต Can we teach the world to sing?๐ต
Can we bring peace throughout the world? Yes! We only need to stop damaging what’s perfect! Life is powered from within! Why do we fight against that? That’s a critical need! It’s vital for life! If we support and encourage that, we get strong cooperative people! We get world peace! That’s all we have to…
๐ผWe Really Can Have Life As It’s Supposed To Be!๐ผ
How? Stop causing conflict! There is nothing natural about conflict. Nor its consequences! How do we cause conflict? We interfere with the natural flow of life. Life that doesn’t want our interference! We direct it! We push it down a path of our choosing. But, life always comes from within! It’s designed to find its…
๐Love is the opposite of conflict!๐
Is conflict ever necessary? Absolutely not! People who hurt have invented it! If we don’t trigger it, it doesn’t happen! Life comes from within! It’s self-managing! It can turn up, live, and then die, all without our interference! There may be struggle, yes. But there will not be bad feelings, despair, depression, discouragement, or hate.…
We need a proper environment to have high self-esteem!
Life comes from within! Nature gives us all the power we will ever need to flourish! Do we want to keep that power, and stay strong? Then we need parents who support us in our own driving force! Surprisingly to many, this makes us cooperative, not spoiled! Life comes from inside. All it wants is…
๐Can we recover from being the victim of a narcissist?๐
Yes, of course, itโs possible. When this happens to us, the thing that has changed is our own expectations! It’s a trust thing! We have altered our perception. We have come to expect different treatment from others. We don’t trust them anymore. To find our way back to how we used to be, it will…
Our reality now is more like a nightmare!
Life, for people, is meant to be a loving and caring existence! We’re supposed to feel cherished. We’re supposed to feel naturally strong. Do we feel strong and loved? Do we feel powerful? Do we feel helpless? Want more self-esteem? What “locks-in” the way we feel? The way we perceive others does that! Change our…
๐Spare the rod, and get trusting, loving, helpful children!๐
Life comes from within! Block that from happening, and we have invented defiance! Apply discipline to get cooperation back, and we have invented hate, then war! Our world is not a loving place! There is no real reason for that. We have done it to ourselves. Who knows where it started? At some point, we…
๐How can we feel more powerful and confident?๐
We all feel powerful as we begin life! We lose that power though, if prevented from living our own identities! This is what’s happening! The result is poor self-esteem with feelings of helplessness! We also lose our instinctive cooperation and morality. We cannot live somebody else’s dream and still remain healthy. Mankind seems to have…